Monday, March 14, 2011

Momo: The Happiest Girl in the World, a Memoir

This is a short memoir of my day and the upcoming week*:
As I blissfully walked to school this morning at the early hour of 10:55 am, the single word that kept repeating itself in my mind was "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh".

 I woke up rather late this morning, around 8:30 am, and, despite the fact that school normally begins at 7:10 on Mondays for me, I was at ease. I stayed in my bed for awhile, staring at the map of Africa looming over my head. I probably would have stayed there had my mother not walked into the house, calling my name. I slowly eased my well-rested body out of bed and slid into my bathrobe and slippers, not bothering to get changed. I walked down the stairs to find my mother, who just returned from exercise class, bearing the most lovely of gifts--a frappucino from Starbucks. I settled into my chair at the breakfast table and sipped my frappucino as I read the comics. I read a magazine and checked Facebook before finally heading back to my room at about 9:30 to take a shower and get dressed.

I lounged around the house with my sister and studied some Greek. Soon enough, it was nearing 10:35 and I got packed for school. I left the house and gleefully sauntered off to school (in full daylight!!!). In my mind, I made fun of the elementary students as I passed the elementary school. I smiled at my elderly neighbor as she drove past, shooting me a confused and somewhat angry glare. I arrived at school and headed to Greek for a super-fun test. The day progressed and I attended band (we got giant pixie sticks! yum!), Latin (yay!), History (meh) and math (HAPPY PI DAYYYY!!!!). Then guess what? I WENT HOME!!! That was all the school I had to endure for the day!!!

 If you haven't caught on, dear reader, I hope you've realized that today (this week) was/will be no normal week. No. This week, we will laugh at the sophomores as they partake in state testing and the rest of us--the rest of us lucky chilluns--we get an entire week of school that starts at--wait for it--11:39 am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for us Greekers on which school starts at 10:55 on said days. 

I enjoy these lazy mornings and short school days so much. I'm pretty sure that this will be the happiest school week of my high school career.
As I've said too many times today, I would gladly donate a month of summer to have a year of school that starts at 11:39 each day. I repeat: GLADLY. Not only does our nearly 3-month-long summer break get a bit tedious after awhile, but the Germans do it [and if the Germans do it, everyone else should too]. In Germany, summer break is only 6 weeks long (next to our 10-and-then-some weeks). In Germany however, school doesn't typically start at noon-ish, but they do get random week long breaks throughout the year. Here's what I think: we start school at 11:39 every day with a rotating schedule, take four weeks off of summer break, and POW! High schoolers are suddenly magically well-rested, grades go up, people are all-together happier, more homework actually gets done, AND we don't have to go to school before it's light outside in winter. Yup. That is the dream life. 

Until then, let's just enjoy this week of happiness.
It'll suck next year when we're the ones taking the standardized tests...
~ Momo

*There are two things wrong here: 1. can you even write a memoir about your day?
2. Is it allowed to write a memoir about the future?


  1. Those paragraphs are really big... I'm daunted >.<

  2. I quite like your proposition (as long as there's air conditioning in the summer [which, unfortunately and realistically, probably won't happen], because the only thing worse than lazing around at home in ninety-degree weather is having to sit through a math/science/French class in that same weather D8).

    And, no, I don't think you can write a memoir about the future. Unless you had a memory that worked backwards. Which I guess would be a cool premise for a book.

  3. Ha. I love it. ^_^ and I deeply agree. If the Germans do it, why don't we? (except their school systems - those deeply confuse me, and that whole Holocaust sitiation. yeah, not fun - either of those ) But the schedule for the day seems alright, and lunch breaks are like an hour and we would get to go home or wherever ^_^

    Freshman/Junior/Senior years + OGT week = Yay! -smiley face- :)

  4. Actually... jrs and srs have to take tests too on one day of the week. =P

    And Merlin supposedly lived backwards, so he could write a future memoir... that would be weird.
