Tuesday, March 15, 2011

kdjfhskdjff i can't think of a witty title

Today I had to run a mile around slushy track without a coat in overcast, windy, forty-degree-though-it-felt-much-colder I-swear-it's-raining-look-I-just-felt-a-raindrop weather. It wasn't fun. At all. I still don't think my arms have completely thawed out yet.

(And then, afterwards, I was treated to a game of dodgeball in which I spent most of the time standing unobtrusively in the corner and getting hit by red foam balls thrown at very high speeds. I fail to see why dodgeball is considered a rewarding and amusing sport.)

On the bright side, I didn't have to wake up until nine in the morning today and spent much of my morning reading fanfiction. And then I studied a bit of French (ew, French) and then printed out my English essay (completely terrible) and then went back to reading. It was very enjoyable.

In a completely unprecedented and magnanimous gesture, our (well, "our" sans House, because House just isn't cool enough to be in the same class as us) English teacher gave out numerous tootsie rolls to help in our Great Expectations-reading endeavours. 

(I still think that Pip is a naive idiot and how in the world does he get into debt without even doing much? I mean, honestly. Ugh.)


Tomorrow I'm going to have to brave the terrors of gym class again, but hopefully it'll be raining and therefore the running will be confined to a warmer and more indoor setting. Preferably one without snow and a wind chill. Maybe.

(I just realised that I don't have to get up early for Greek tomorrow. That thought is too incredibly beautiful for words.)

(I don't know why I'm inserting all these parenthetical anecdotes, actually. Hm.)

(Ah, well.)




  1. Geez. Your gym class sucks. :( I love the little anecdotes!! :D

  2. those tootsie rolls were the highlight of my day!! :)

  3. Well, technically, Pip is doing a lot of stuff. He's going to lavish dinners every 2 weeks, getting drunk, getting waiters drunk, employing the Avenger, going to brothels, and overall acting like a spoiled brat. Which he is.

    Oh, and guess what? weather for tomorrow is 50 somethin' degrees. Warm enough not to snow. Cold enough to make you annoyed that you must go outside and row. grrr.
