Monday, March 28, 2011

Well Wouldja Look at That! It's Monday!

Happy Spring Break, everybody!

I have had such a good break so far. On Friday, my family went to our lake house thingy and stayed until Sunday. 

When we returned, my sister began slowly cleaning her room. Let me tell you something about my sister's room: I haven't seen the floor in there for a very, VERY long time. It's very dusty and cluttered and all together, very messy.

Now, when you see such a mess every day, it's hard not to cringe and will yourself not to go in and blow everything up. I don't blame my sister--she's a very busy 17 year-old [zomg! I just realised how old she is...]

I, being the amazing sister that I am, offered to organise her book shelf. It was about 2 or 3 o'clock when I started. I pulled all the books off that were not hers, meant for children under the age of 12, and anything that she didn't particularly want anymore.

Of the six shelves full of books, only two of them were filled when I was done. 

When I was done with the shelf, my sister left to go to her friend's parents' wedding vow renewal. I figured that since I had done so much already, I might as well start organising other things.

Then I moved her chest of drawers to a different spot. Well, first, I had to dig a tunnel to make a path.

When I was done with that, I was on a role. I organised and moved and sorted through tons of stuff. When my sister returned home, there were three big piles on her floor: clothes, things she needed to go through herself, and trash.

It was, by then, about 5 o'clock. My sister and I went to town. Not only did we put stuff away, but we dusted, and swept, and wiped and everything. 

When we finally finished cleaning her desk off, it was about 9 o'clock. We were actually having fun! We read some of my sister's old diaries in which she apologised for the fact that she and I had eaten its pages when we were 5 and 3, respectively. 

I finished organizing my sister's desk and she finished putting all of her clothes away. 

Then we had an idea. We would move my sister's loft bed!

We started pushing and shoving until her bed was on the other side of the room.

At 10:30, all we had to do was fold the remainder of her clothes and dust some more. 

By 11 o'clock, we were finally done for the day. We called in our parents who, upon seeing the floor, nearly fainted (my cats were also curious as to where their massive bed of dirty clothes had gone). 

This morning, my dad and I woke up early (because we can't help but waking up before 8 am) and went to buy some new pants for me and some kitty litter for our cats.

We also got the car washed.

By 11 am, we finished running errands and woke my sister up to go to Target and get some boxes for her book shelf. We found all sorts of boxes and even a little chair that is also a storage unit. 

We headed off to lunch before installing all of the boxes in my sister's room.
I'm too lazy for a secret message today.
Now I'm typing this. :D
The end.
That was a very long post.
Happy Spring!!!

P.S. I made a Girl Scout cookie poll the other day because they are SO GOOD! Please choose 2 or 3 of your favorite cookies. :)


  1. You have such an interesting life. I just sat around all day and read books. >.>

  2. You remind me of my sister. She likes to help me clean my room too. =P

    Sounds very productive, though. Nice!

  3. haha I don't know if even you could revive my room, Momo. But very nice job... I can only imagine how much you cleaned today :P
