Saturday, March 19, 2011

The First Frappuccino of the Year

Today is possibly the most auspicious day of 2011, because today was the day I got my first frappuccino of the year. This is a very important milestone, because it means that the weather has at last gotten warm enough that I can get an iced drink at Starbucks instead of a hot drink. Up until now, every Starbucks drink I have purchased in the year 2011 has been a hot cafe mocha. Today I got a mocha frappuccino. 

Really, the only difference is the ice, (being in my drink rather than on the ground) but the symbolic difference is really part of what makes this time of year amazing. It's WARM outside. I can look out the window and see blue sky. People around here say that they would like to live and Florida where it's blue sky nearly all the time, but I think people in Florida don't appreciate it as much. When the sun comes out after winter here, everybody rejoices. Because the cold of the winter is bearable, but the fact that the sky is gray for the whole entire season really gets me down. And now SPRING HAS SPRUNG!!!!

I also went to Bruegger's today, but we get the same bagels every week no matter what season it is. 

This weekend is a Harry Potter weekend on ABC family, so that's why I'm in such a good mood. There was an extra-special preview for Deathly Hallows part 2 yesterday AHHH I'M SO PUMPED! I'm actually counting down the days until I get my braces off, but once that's done I'll start counting down until Harry Potter. 
I'm wearing a Ravenclaw shirt today. XD
One more week until spring break!!!! By the way, I probably won't be able to post next Saturday because I'll be at an Episcopal thing called Happening (it's a really exciting one-in-a-lifetime thing) where I will sadly not have access to the internet. I might think to write something up earlier in the week and set it to post automatically on Saturday, but knowing me I'll probably forget, so just letting you know. I'll be busy doing Jesus-y stuff. Hooray!!

I don't really have anything else to say, and I have a ton of stuff to do, so farewell!!! :)



  1. Yay for frappucinos!

    You used a lot of exclamation points today. This must mean that the Virgil is especially happy, yes? :D

  2. "Really, the only difference is the ice, (being in my drink rather than on the ground)" <-- among many other reasons, this is why I love you.

    At 9:00 tonight I walked outside in a T-shirt and a flannel button-down. And it was magical. :)
