Monday, March 21, 2011


I had a bad day today.
First, I overslept this morning and missed Greek. I was sad. Not really.
Then I had a Latin test that I was definitely not prepared for and I had to do it without the shining face of our regular Latin teacher.
In gym I was forced to participate. Ew.
 In science I got a C on a test that we took because of our stupid dumb teacher not being able to teach.
Lynda colored ALL OVER my English stuff. (Well, I guess that's kind of forgivable since I was coloring on her face and arm. Also, it was kind of funny...)
Then the worst happened. In math class, we had a test. Normally, when it's a test day, we walk into class and get our tests immediately. Today, though, our teacher took her own good time (10 minutes!!!!) until she handed them out. In the middle of the test there was some legit screaming outside so we stopped to see what it was. So I didn't finish, like, 3 or 4 problems. Each problem is about 5 points. That means, basically, that I'll fail the test. Yay. 
Also, my neighbors are already on spring break and are in the Bahamas. I WANNA BE IN THE BAHAMAS TOO!!!!!!!! :(

There has been some good stuff today:
In band we got to listen to this cool brass quintet.
I had an AMAZING youth retreat over the weekend.
When I die, I'm going to heaven to chill with Jesus.
Aaand I started writing on my own blog again. 
So I guess, when I look on the bright side of things, life isn't all that bad. I mean, I could be homeless because a tsunami destroyed my country or in the middle of a dangerous rebellion against an insane dictator. I guess life could be worse, which always makes me feel better. Venting helps, too. 

Have a nice Monday everybody!!!!
Go read my other blog post!!!


  1. another good thing: you're a color genius :D

  2. I have a youth retreat next weekend! OMG our lives are like parallel. :) hooray for Jesus!

    I think that we should make the border of our blog the color of awesome. Just sayin'.

  3. I third(?) the motion for the color awesome!

  4. Silly Mrs. Math Teacher. >:|
