Friday, March 25, 2011

spring break!

Oh, how nice it is to be the Friday Curly Fry ^.^

Yay! The six of us are officially on spring break. Lynda's already out of town, enjoying our time off from school, of course. (Be prepared for a huge Europe post when she gets back.) Only two of my{/our} teachers are the type to give homework over this week of magic and butterflies.

'Cause like a third of the school was absent today, we didn't bother doing a whole lot. Our science teacher let us sit in on this fun with chemistry-type-thing show put on by the teachers for the juniors. One things they did was filling Balloons of Science with different gasses and then setting them on fire, and another was making little Soap and Methane Bubbles of Science. They let us hold those in our hands before igniting them ^.^ (Teehee, Momo is in my class, and she screamed pretty much every time something caught on fire, which was quite often. [yay lighting things on fire in pretty colors! {one if them was a pretty, Harry Potter-esque green and purple.}])

Also, Momo, xiy, and I tried our hand at writing a Latin Club-y fanfic in collaboration. It's currently posted in our Latin room and on Momo's blog. If you plan visiting either of those places, I suggest you check it out.

Anyway, we should go get back to frolicking in fields and hugging baby animals. {except not because it's still really annoyingly cold here.}

Or in my case, going back to my celebratory nap of success.
With all due respect,


  1. Your MC fanfic, Momo, was brain-meltingly awesome. I'm glad I had a part in it. <3

  2. Agreed with xiy...:)
    P.S. THOSE BALLOONS WERE UNNATURALLY FRIGHTENING!!!!!!!! Also, you forgot to mention our dear friend getting put in a trash bag and vacuum packed into it. LOL. Good times.
