Wednesday, March 9, 2011



I'm really tired, and I still need to write body paragraphs for English. Ew. 

*grunt, mumble*
People don't understand... so it just doesn't make any sense to put my analogies :/ I would go on a ranting spree, but that wouldn't be nice. but I am not too happy right now. People are just... erg. >.< fine. No more Miss nice Carrie. I just don't get it.  Do people really think that I'm just here for decoration? That I don't notice things around me? That I actually *notice* not being included? (I would say 'ignored' but then people would put up a debate that "they're not ignoring me" and people. always. win. debates. especially against me because I'm such a friggin' push over.) geez. I don't care that I'm ranting, either. I've had enough of this! And I bet that either people are gonna ask "Oh, what's wrong?" and then not listen to what I have to say and make up excuses and not care at all about how *I'm* feeling or they just won't ask at all. Can't people just be real for once? I'd definitely appreciate it. 
And NO, I am not talking about the 6LCF, although some things irk me here too :/ but just in life. I have a life. Isn't that what this blog is about? What's happening in our lives without mentioning specific names? Yeah, exactly. 
No more Miss nice Carrie. I'm done being pushed over.
And I really don't care that almost nothing in this post is grammatically correct. I don't care today.


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

P.S.- I wuz gon put sumthin' heer. gee, I forgot... uhh.oh well, that was a waste of signing in again. My bad.
P.P.S.-Recycling tags? Whut? Anybody care to explain?   


  1. I don't comment on everyone''s nothing personal. Sometimes it's just un-commentable (no questions, debate, things I disagree with). I no gets the analogy. <--weren't we going to start recycling tags?

  2. A rant every once in a while is a good thing. Nobody can be nice all the time, right?

  3. Rants are good for the soul.

    I wuv you, Carrie. *hugs*

  4. Did you read my post on Monday? That was, like, the don't read my posts?! D:

  5. @xiy: right ^_^

    @Virgil: i wuv you tew *hugs*

    @momo: D: I wasn't on on monday! but I'll go read it right now :D
