Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Hate It When A Unicorn Comes By And Steals My Popcorn...

You know what else I hate? When you go to take a shower, and a murderer pops out, and you have to push him out the window. It's just like, "Hey Man, chill, I'm trying to take a shower here, and look what you made me do! I *broke* the window!" You don't even care about the seriously injured/possibly dead murderer at the base of the window. No, this guy just made you BREAK YOUR OWN WINDOW! It's not like you could have gone and been all like, "Hold up, I gotta got open this window to push you out." No. This guy just pops out of nowhere! First reaction? Window. Hey, how about I push him *out of* the window? Little is it conscious in you that the window is -closed-. Now your window is broken, and you have to get a new one. Gee, thanks, Mr. Murderer. Just making me go around breaking my own windows. You had to pick me today? 

Yeah, that's my story. I just hate when stuff like that happens. It's terrible, you know? 

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhjdahjkbfkjlsahjrhejakbhfjslahb... I don't really know what to write about. My brain's been kind of foggy these past few days.
BUT, OH MY GOSH, SPRING BREAK IS IN, LIKE, [counts number of days] 3-ish DAYS! OH MY GOSH!  Guess where I'm going? To the southern-ness of this state that I am currently in. Ain't that excitin'? 

Where is you be going to? 

Asparagus is chill. :3

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 

1 comment:

  1. Of course windows are more important than murderers. Duh.

    SPRING BREAK~! :D I'll just be staying at home and sleeping, because I have no life.

    Asparagus might be chill, but I'm certainly not its biggest fan.
