Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Fencing Drinking Game

We ♥ You!

Today, the fencing coach was late. Virgil, Momo, and I spent that time devising a drinking game for fencing practice.

Some Notes: The size of a "drink" is under a lot of debate; for our purposes here, it'll be about the equivalent of a good-sized shot glass. If you so wish, you may also interpret a drink as a giant mug.
The size of a "bottle" is along the lines of an average wine bottle. Once again, if you wish to enlarge the quantity, go for it.
For those who are legally and medically allowed to drink alcohol, do so.
For those who aren't (i.e., all of the Curly Fries as of right now), substitute alcohol for the beverage of your choice. 

We are not responsible for anything that happens if/when you get drunk.


One drink if. . .
  • You get a chest protector that's too big.
  • Somebody says the t-word [aka "think"].
  • You're off-target.
  • China is mentioned.
  • Politics are mentioned.
  • Any of the fencing people tries to sound smart and fails.
  • There are only left-hand gloves when you need a right-hand one.
  • None of the fencing jackets (vests? suits?) fit.
  • Somebody takes the foil/epee/saber you usually use.
  • You stop while running stairs/around the school oval/around the courtyard.
  • You say "fence" instead of "swordfight" when refereeing.
  • The scary-fencing-eleven-year-old called Goyle* (not his real name) screams/yells/shouts/makes an exclamatory remark once.
Three drinks if. . .
  • Your helmet/jacket (vest? suit?) is stained with mysterious colors and/or congealed goo.
  • Goyle screams/yells/etc. more than twice in a row (meaning yelling twice or more without actually talking in a normal voice in between).
  • You say the t-word and don't get caught [a celebratory drink].
  • You say the t-word and do get caught [an "oh-woe-is-me" drink].
  • The coach is between ten and thirty minutes late.
  • Every single gym bathroom is locked and you are forced to walk up to the first floor to relieve yourself.
  • Somebody takes the foil/epee/saber you usually use and it takes longer than two minutes to find a suitable replacement.
 One entire bottle if. . .
  • You end up with the biggest chest protector [i.e., the one so big it has breathing holes].
  • Goyle goes the entire practice without talking once in a normal voice.
  • You slip and fall down in an undignified fashion.
  • You manage to run the entire oval [i.e., 3/4 mile] without stopping.
  • The coach is over thirty minutes late.
  • The coach tells you to do jackknives.
  • The SFEYO best at dodgeball** manages to get out.
  • The SFEYO best at dodgeball gets you out.
  • You get somebody out at dodgeball [only for the people who are really bad at throwing].
  • The only right-hand glove left is ancient, crusty, wrinkled, cracked, discolored, or a combination of the above.
  • The only jacket (suit? vest?) left is five sizes too big or three sizes too small.
Two entire bottles if. . .
  • You get the SFEYO best at dodgeball out.
  • You manage to get through the entire round of dodgeball without getting out once [for the people bad at dodging].
  • You accidentally stab an innocent passerby.

*So called because of Goyle of AVPM/AVPS, who displays the tendency to shout a lot and dramatically.
**Technically called something along the lines of "zhoozhee"; Momo, please tell me the correct spelling. Apparently, it's a Chinese game. It's not exactly dodgeball, but close enough.

Further Notes: "SFEYO," if you are not already aware, stands for "scary fencing eleven-year-old."
If you are drinking alcohol for this game, believe me, it is very easy to get drunk. So, once again, don't hold us responsible for anything you happen to do or say if or when you get drunk from this game.

That is all.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Last Birthday of the Year

That's right (see title)! My birthday is tomorrow!! Yippee! I hope you all bought me ponies or else I will be quite annoyed. Just kidding! I'm excited!!
House went to Paris today and she is skipping school 'cause she's cool like that. 
I have so much work to do for this mock trial in Global Studies! I have to write questions (I'm an attorney) and I was reading this one speech and it sounded rather professional, especially for this kid. I searched the first words on this school data-base thing and sure enough, there it was. The exact same article! People these days...
Did I mention that it's my birthday tomorrow!! And the last day of NaNo even though we're all done. I just came back from dinner with my awesome neighbors and it was delicious. They gave me this fancy clay that doesn't dry out unless you bake it. I want to use it right now!!!!! Aaah!
Alright. That's all. Wasn't that a great post? Not.
P.S. xiy's banner is AMAZING!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Today Is Sunday But We're Going to Pretend That It's Saturday

Hey, ya'll

I didn't post yesterday because I was with my family and it was Saturday and they don't do things on Saturdays and that would have been disrespectful. 

I had a nice Thanksgiving :) there was a lot of food. We did this jigsaw puzzle all in one night:

 Needless to say, it was pretty intense. There were a lot of yellow and white pieces. 

To make up for the fact that I forgot to tell you that I wouldn't be able to post on Saturday (note that I didn't forget to post; I merely forgot to tell ya'll that I would not be able to) I'll copy and paste a wee bit of my NaNoWriMo novel. It's at about 35k right now, and yes, today is November 28th. I'm in trouble. 

(This isn't the last bit that I wrote... the last bit that I wrote was some romantic word fluff. I'll spare you.)

“Can you hear it, too?” Gibraltar asked over the roaring wind.
            “Yes!” Ajax listened. He looked to the sky, and he saw a pair of eyes staring back at him. Then the words, “pair of eyes staring back at him appeared in the clouds” appeared in the clouds. Before long, the words faded away and were replaced by, “Before long, the words faded away and were replaced by another sentence,” –another sentence.
            Everything that happened was recorded in the sky: “Everything that happened was recorded in the sky.” It even knew about Ajax’s heart beating faster and faster, and the eyes which were blinking curiously beyond the words. “It even knew about Ajax’s heart beating faster and faster, and the eyes with were blinking curiously beyond the words.” He looked up at the words, “He looked up at the words,” and studied the pair of eyes carefully. They were not the color of the ocean, like Estra’s angelic eyes – but they were chocolate brown, the color of the mud no which he stood. All of this, “…and studied the pair of eyes carefully. They were not the color of the ocean, like Estra’s angelic eyes – but they were chocolate brown, the color of the mud no which he stood. All of this was recorded in the Times New Roman words up in the sky,” was recorded in the Times New Roman words up in the sky. Ajax closed his eyes, and the sky’s words repeated thus: “Ajax closed his eyes, and the sky’s words repeated thus: Ajax closed his eyes, and the sky’s worlds repeated thus: Ajax closed his eyes, and the sky’s words repeated thus: Ajax closed his eyes, and the sky’s worlds repeated thus: Ajax closed his eyes, and the sky’s words repeated thus: Ajax closed his eyes, and the sky’s worlds repeated thus: Ajax closed his eyes, and the sky’s words repeated thus: Ajax closed his eyes, and the sky’s words repeated thus:  Ajax closed his eyes, and the sky’s words repeated thus:  …. Ad infinitum, until it covered in whole entire sky.” ….Ad infinitum, until it covered the whole entire sky.

Ta-da!!! ^_^


Friday, November 26, 2010

music makes me happy :D

So I looked at the clock, right? And it was all like 11:14, right? And then I was like dang, what do I write about? And then my iTunes was playing and stuff, so I'm writing about the top few songs I like.

Annie Act I Overture
What can I say? I'm a sucker for overtures. And I loveee how this particular one passes my favourite little bits of the musical from section to section while capturing the mood of the story really nicely :)

Brick by Boring Brick [Paramore]
Paramore's awesome, man. Like, they're the soundtrack for pretty much every little angsty teen's life. This particular song doesn't sound like all the others' sorta similar melodies to me, which I like :)

Reflections of Earth [part of an Epcot {like, Disney} show]
Soooo epicccc.

Kan Guo Lai [this adorable Chinese song]
When I first heard it, I thought it sounded a lot like China's version of Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours," and then I read out the translation, and it's actually about this guy who can't get any chicks. But whatever. Same diff, right?

Eyelashes [Alex Day and Tom Milsom]
Ohmygoodness, they're so cute and it's such a lovely song! :D
If you don't know Alex and/or Tom, I suggest you get your butt over to YouTube right this instant and look up both of their names. And then look up this song. And then you will understand <3

This Isn't Hogwarts [Hank Green]
This song makes nerds every happy. Because as we all know, public school ain't no place for a wizard.

Married Life [Up soundtrack]
If you've seen Up, this totally makes you relive that bittersweet opening scene alllll over again. And I dunno about you, but Up is definitely on my list of the best movies ever made ever. Ever.

(I do  like normal music, too, tough. Katy and Taylor {Swift} are constantly playing. But these have been my favourites for a while, and pop fades in and out. And we all know the Harry Potter soundtracks are beastly.)
Of course there are a ton others, but those are what I can come up with off the top of my head at the moment.

Feel free to discuss your own favourites below :)

With all due respect,

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sorry for the bad quality; the picture was taken by webcam because (a) xiy doesn't have a scanner [*sadface*] and (b) she was too lazy to take a legit camera-picture.
~Happy Thanksgiving from the Six Little Curly Fries!~

YAY!!! It's Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving break too! It's my day to post today, but since it's also THANKSGIVING, I'm giving up my post, so that everyone of the Curly Fries (and I mean everyone. Lately the ALL curly fry posts have been a bit lacking in ppl who actually POST IN IT, >:( So EVERY CURLY FRY MUST POST TODAY :)) can post what they are thankful for this Thanksgiving. Please also post a quick summary of what you, the reader, are thankful for this Thanksgiving in the comments!

*note* Curly Fries, also post something about what you are doing for Thanksgiving
Anyways, as we are all so excited about eating turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatas n' gravy, blah blah blah...and all sorts of things, let's get posting about what we love to eat too! YAY!!!...Actually, how about this, Curly Fries must post on what they are thankful for (at least 3, and please have at least one original idea-something other than "family, friends"...you can have those as the other 2, ok?), and choose one of the following: 1)What you are planning on eating, or 2)What you are planning on doing.
Our faithful readers (from Canada?), feel free to join in the comments!
Luv, Lynda
P.S. Watch the Macy's parade! It's fun. :)

Momo: 1.) I am thankful for many of the same things as xiy already mentioned (she was the first to fill this in) and a lot more. I just came back from feeding homeless people in our city and it was really fun and I realized how much more stuff I have than them. I am thankful that I have a house, computers with keyboards, turkeys who so bravely give their lives for our dinners, telephones, genetics, this blog and the people who are part of it, Hyperbole and a Half, my family, God (sorry, but I had to bring in religion), school breaks, my camp, German food and the people who make it, my cats, tooth paste, eyes, all 6 of my senses, water, stairs, rocks, the sky, Greek and Latin, math, Science Olympiad, good books, music, and a lot more. I am thankful that I am alive and that I don't have a fatal disease or anything.
2.) I already said that I fed the homeless and now my mommy and I are going to cook. Then we're going to a friend's house for a feast!!! 

xiy: What xiy is thankful for:
friends/family (duh); books; blogs; the Internet; sunsets; summer vacation; the discovery of fire; planetariums; indoor plumbing; the fantasy genre; good music; chocolate; squishable sheep named Archie; the ability to draw; red pandas; curly fries and Curly Fries; plums; unicorns named Hector; windy days; school holidays; cats; air; the human circulatory system; evolution; trees; smoothies; webcomics (xkcd, Fey Winds, and FreakAngels in particular); Gimp/Photoshop; WiFi; pillows; tea with peppermint; snow(y) days; and I can't think of any more as of right now, but there's definitely loads more.

Lynda is coming over today for Thanksgiving. We're going to have a giant Chinese Thanksgiving party tonight, involving much yummy food and a lot of little kids running around.

Carrie: Herro! :) I already had my quite delicious thanksgiving feast with the fam. and my mother is making a 15-pound turkey. I don't know why. But now my whole house smells strongly of Turkey ^_^ and I get to have a whole 'nother thanksgiving on Saturday. Today was the one with my dad's family, and on Saturday I'm having it with my mom's family. Soooo lots of food and possibly 10 pounds for me. Eh, it's 'kay. I'll sleep it off. ;) I'm thankful for a lot this holiday season. I'm thankful for my loving family and friends and everyone I'm lucky to have in my life right now! I'm thankful for the fact that no one in the family has passed since there have been some close calls. I'm thankful for the roof over my head and heat that keeps me warm. I'm thankful for all of the people I have met, whether they've stuck around or not. I'm thankful for all of the fantastic experiences I've had in my life. And finally I'm thankful to be blessed with this life and all of the happiness it's brought with it. :) Love y'all! xo ♥ Carrie

Lynda: Thankful for: food, money, ranting, blogs, internet, computer, my brain, my body parts, friends/family, life, fanfiction, writing, NaNoWriMo buddies, Crew Break Month:), Birthday, 6LCF, and most of what everyone else said :)
Going over to xiy's house to play cards(actually, I already went), eat, talk, play ping-pong...OMIGOSH! I played ping-pong, 1st time in my life, not that bad at it...The ping-pong ball just liked to bounce off the ceiling a lot whenever I hit it...or just fly over xiy's head :)


Virgil: Do I really have to list everything I'm thankful for? I'd be here all day. Uh, general things: God, friends, family, a nice house, books, libraries, fantastic people like J.K. Rowling, and... uh... yeah basically everything fits in those categories. I am going to my grandparent's house for the long weekend to see them and my aunt and uncle and cousins and other people. We will talk about politics and Israel and other things that don't really interest me that much, but that's okay. 


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Hello there! 

And today marks the first day of TURKEY DAY BREAK! Which means that we do not return to school for 5 more days! :D 

side-note from reality: Okay, seriously? Does it take a big deal to ask someone if their laundry is ready? Geez, I KNOW when I put it in. >.< Yeah, thought so...

^Lawlz. That's what she said.^_^

I'mmmmm hungry. And I wanna watch a movie. OMG! So today would've been the day that I went to go see HP7 but instead I went... 4 days ago. And it was FRICKIN' AMAZING! I had to keep reminding myself that there was a part 2 because I was anticipating the end so badly.  OMG I CAN'T WAIT FOR PART TWOOOOO!!!!

Ugh, this computer is obnoxious and isn't letting me type. It also isn't registering whenever I hit the SHIFT button! 'Shift' + 'a' = a. NO! I want an uppercase letter. It's the beginning of a sentence! Grammar, people, please! *rant, mumble* 

I want some noms. Noms would be very nice right now. But I'm a bit too lazy to go make some food, and I'm not sure what exactly we have to make. Ew. And I have to print out some school related stuff before I forget. 

Guess who's birthday is coming up? [MOMO'S!] And guess who's prof. pic gave away the banner. My bad, guys, really. I just couldn't resist. And she would've seen it sooner or later anyways, right?

Yeah, so, that's about it. 
Tschau! (< way of saying good-bye in German. Pronounced like 'ciao')


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

D'you Know?

Today's post is going to be, in part, written in "d'you know?" form. Blame it on my complete lack of any other better things to say.

D'you know which is one of the best books in the whole world?
The Princess Bride.

D'you know the phases of the moon?
New moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent. And then the same thing all over again.

D'you know when the third Chronicles of Narnia movie (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader) comes out?
December 10, 2010.

D'you know that swearing helps with one's pain tolerance?
It really does. 

D'you know that all the science teachers at the school of the 6LCF are completely useless?
They really are.

D'you know what's scarier than a scary eleven-year-old? 
A scary fencing eleven-year-old.
D'you know what's scarier than a scary fencing eleven-year-old?
A scary fencing eleven-year-old with a saber.
(And the only thing scarier than a scary fencing eleven-year-old with a saber is, according to Virgil, Lord Voldemort with the Elder Wand. I, however, disagree, as Voldy never got the Elder Wand to work to its full potential; he wasn't its true owner. Ergo, Voldy isn't as scary as he could have been, though he is already quite scary enough.)

And that ends the "d'you know?" portion of this post. 
There's no more school for the next five days! Two of those days are, admittedly, the weekend and therefore default days off, but they still count. "Five-day weekend" sounds so much better than "three weekdays off and then two days that comprise the weekend and so they technically count as break but they're days off no matter what and so they really shouldn't be counted as a school holiday." 
I love Thanksgiving. There's just so much lovely stuff going on around then. Two-day school weeks, lots of food (turkey especially), and so on.

 In fact, I believe that I *might* be getting a laptop this Friday, if we can find any cheap enough and nice enough during the whole Black Friday sale thing.

And I was going to write something else, but then I completely forgot what I was going to write about. Darn you, random short-term memory loss!

Ugh. I can't remember.

So I guess that's it for today.

P.S. I remembered what I was going to write about.
The Six Little Curly Fries have an official unicorn, you see (he shall make an appearance on Momo's birthday banner), and his name is Hector.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Nothing in Particular

You know that feeling? The one that you get when you have to follow up someone's amazing performance? Yeah, I'm feeling that. Thanks, Virgil. No, I'm just playing. I do feel rather down that I have to follow such an amazing post, but Virgil should be applauded, not put down! I tend to get this feeling a lot. Like when I was younger, I played violin for a few months...don't make fun of me. I had always wanted to play violin as a little kid. One day I was playing violin in my street (cars are sort of rare) before my lesson. I thought I was sooo good! Then my teacher arrived and she played some amazing Tchaikovsky piece or something and then turned and was all, "Okay. Your turn." I pulled up my bow and fixed my fingers with my other hand and then pulled up my violin. Soon enough I was screeching Mary had a Little Lamb like a pro. But not really. Not only did I suck, but I felt even worse because I'm sure my teacher was thinking, "What is wrong with this kid? Did she not learn any amazing solos to surprise me with? I need a new job."
That reminded me!!! If I hadn't quit violin and switched to clarinet, I would never have gone to band camp where I am fairly certain I met Virgil for the first time. I also would not have gotten closer to House who, despite her claims that she's put up with me since kindergarten, only knew me from a distance-ish type thing. If I hadn't met Virgil I wouldn't have done Science Olympiad. I wouldn't have gotten closer with the rest of you and probably would have sat alone in a corner at lunch in seventh grade. Then we wouldn't all sit together in eighth grade. If that hadn't happened, Six Little Curly Fries would not be in existence at all. You are allowed to thank me for quitting violin. XD
What else should I write about? Lynda is an old lady. I'm gonna be an old lady in *checks watch* 8 days. 

THANKSGIVING IS APPROACHIN'!!!!! TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL BEFORE OUR only 5 day break. That's pathetic. Only 5 days to give thanks? I need at least two weeks to scratch the surface of the amount of things I'm thankful for. We should do that on Thursday. Are you willing to forfeit a post, Lynda? Of course she is.

Did you ever notice that teachers get lazy around breaks. We're having, like, four "parties" a.k.a. thisisn'treallyapartypersebecausewearen'tallowedtoletyoustudentstobehappysotechnicallyit'sjustasharingofcultureandfoodthatwewillsomehowfindanamefor.
It's hard to type without spacing instinctively. I'm making pigs in a blanket for our Latin feast because apparently stuffed dormice/whole pigs is not a very popular grocery store item. Pigs in a blanket will do. [The pigs are made out of beef, though]
Do I have to write a secret message?
I have to eat dinner.Toodles!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I: An Extensive Review

When I post this, I will have seen Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I three times within the span of about 40 hours. I think that's a record. 
(I'm not posting it just yet because I want to write up my review before I see it for a third time and then add anything that I might have forgotten. Smart, huh?)


Are all of the people who haven't seen the movie yet gone? Okay, good.

Virgil's Very Extensive Review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I

it was truly magical! Even though I saw it over and over again within a short amount of time, I didn't get bored with it at all. That is the mark of a truly good film, I think. Props to Warner Brothers for doing such a good job on this one - I was not disappointed with it at all, and now I'm even more excited for Part II, which I'm sure is going to be even better! 

The adaption of the book
was probably the aspect that I was most impressed with. Sure, they changed a few things for the sake of the movie, but in general it followed the book precisely. I am so glad that they kept as close to the book as possible, because especially after the disaster of Order of the Phoenix & Half-Blood Prince (they left out so many important details!), I was not sure if they would be able to get across enough background information in order for the plot to make sense to the fans who do not read the books (who, might I add, are not true fans). It was too bad that key characters like Mundungus and Bill had to be introduced so unceremoniously, but it was necessary, and we can blame the last couple movies for that necessity. (Half-Blood Prince did not include nearly enough information - they tried way too hard to keep it lighthearted and funny.) The adaption of the book was the best of the seven movies thus far - A++!

The way it was filmed
was very different from Harry Potter movies in the past, so it is difficult to compare them. One huge difference is that the entire plot of Deathly Hallows Part I takes place outside of Hogwarts. While this is meant to take the characters out their comfort zones, I think it also took the audience out of their comfort zones as well. In a couple of scenes, the camera angle was shaky - this was meant to portray insecurity, but it was such a change from what we are used to getting out of a Harry Potter movie. Another interesting thing about the way it was filmed was the style in which the story of the Three Brothers was animated. Some people thought that it was weird, but I quite like the shadow-puppet animation. The portrayal of Death was excellent, and it really felt like a fairy tale. 

The acting
was okay overall. Certain actors were truly outstanding, like Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange) and Rupert Grint (Ron), while other characters seemed to act with their necks (*cough*Daniel Radcliffe*cough*) and remind me uncannily of a certain OJCL-er. Daniel Radcliffe... I don't even want to talk about his acting. Of course, Harry is supposed to be a bit of an awkward, nervous character, but honestly, Radcliffe's acting was one of the only less-than-amazing parts about the film. Ralph Fiennes, as always, was a sufficiently scary Voldemort. I also approved of the actor who briefly played Grindelwald (more on him later) and the person they chose for Bill Weasley (<3). Alan Rickman is, as always, my hero. I am praying that they don't cut out his backstory scenes in Part II, because I will be really sad. 

The split
was satisfactory. There's no perfect place to split a literary masterpiece in half, but I think that the ending with Voldemort and the Elder Wand provided a good amount of both closure and cliff-hanger. Dobby's death rounded it off nicely (more on that later) and I'm glad that they changed their minds about splitting it after Ron leaves, because that would have been 1) way too early and 2) not enough closure for the story. Just one this about the split, though: Dumbledore's grave was really weird. Those rolling rectangular prisms (?) were unnecessary, and I wish there would have been a shot of Hogwarts in the background, showing how Dumbledore was buried on the grounds.

The music 
was fantastic. The scores are my favorite aspect of the films, and this new composer Andre Desplat did a wonderful job. I have to admit that I had previously judged him based on his involvement in the Twilight franchise, but he can be forgiven for that. The score he did for the Seven Potters battle scene was unbelieveable - it reminded me of Nicholas Hooper's work for the battle scene in Order of the Phoenix, which was absolutely brilliant. The music for Dobby's death was just perfect, and I also loved what he did for the Godric's Hollow scene in the graveyard. Andre Desplat gets an A++! 

Things they added
were few and far between, since the film stayed so wonderfully close to the book. However, there was one paricular scene that they felt was necessary to add, and I hated it. Harry dances with Hermione in the tent. I mean, really? Come on. It was not even a romantic scene, because obviously they are not romantically involved - it was just another opportunity for Daniel Radcliffe to look exceptionally awkward. I guess it lightened up the mood a little, but it could have been done a lot better and without awkward dancing. One addition that I did like was at the beginning, when Ginny asks Harry to zip up her dress. That was awkward too, but in a delightful sort of way. When George walked in on their kiss - the Weasley Wink was just priceless. The scene with Hermione wiping her parent's memory's, which was not directly written in the book but it was mentioned, was very emotional and a great way to start the movie. I'm glad they added that.

Things they left out
were also few and far between, but I will complain about them anyways. The most important parts that were left out were, of course, the Dumbledore family backstory & Grindelwald. The Elder Wand was explained thoroughly enough, but Dumbledore's backstory involving the Deathly Hallows and Ariana was completely glossed over. Perhaps they will make a point to include this in Part II, but I'm not sure. Another thing they left out, which was not necessary, I suppose, but very touching: Luna's bedroom. What happened to the portraits of the DA and the encircling words, "Friends, friends, friends, friends, friends"? It would have been a lighthearted way to take a break from the intensity - maybe that scene could have replaced the Harry/Hermione dancing scene. Also, I have a couple of complaints about the cellar scene - 1) Why didn't Harry talk to Ollivander at all? Ollivander is so important, and he was hardly acknowledged! 2) The thing with Wormtail owing Harry his life was a very meaningful part in the books - why did the leave it out? (Although I liked how Dobby was all gangster-like and shot Wormtail down from the top of the stairs and took his wand - nicely done.) Another thing - and this is quite small, but I think it's important - the plaque and the encouraging graffiti on the Potters' house was mysteriously absent. This makes me sad.
Also, the Invisibility Cloak was mysteriously absent for the entire movie. Were'd it go?
Oh, and I wanted to see Harry watch Ginny's footprints on the Marauders map. That was such a cute part in the book. Even though they have no chemistry whatsoever, it would be nice to have some sort of indicator that he was thinking about her. They also left out the details of Sirius' room - the Gryffindor paraphernalia, the photographs of the Marauders, the pictures of Muggle women in bikinis - it would have been a nice reminiscing moment, but it ended before it even began. Dudley's thank-you scene was not included, but that's really okay because I never liked that part much.

Potterwatch was also absent. They had a radio, but Fred and George and Lee were not there. 

This wasn't exactly in the book, but I also wish they would have had a quick flashback scene of Kreacher and Regulus in the cave.

The deaths of various characters:
Dobby's death was, as I said before, simply perfect. (They probably should have explained what Shell Cottage was, but I'll let that slide because it will be explained in Part II). The music, the acting, the way Dobby's last words rang so true - I just loved it. Dobby was spectacular in the Malfoy Manor scene, unscrewing the chandelier and standing up to Bellatrix. The only complaint that I have about Dobby's death is the absence of his gravestone - what happened to "Here lies Dobby, a free elf"? I won't say too much about it, because I can't be sure that they won't include it in Part II. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Part II began with a shot of Dobby's grave.
Hedwig's death was not given nearly enough pomp and circumstance. It happened so quickly - just a flash of green light and she was gone, and if you had blinked then you would have missed it. I feel like Harry should have at least cried out, "Hedwig!" or reflected about her later on or something. She was just forgotten - a noble owl like her deserves some proper honoring! 
Mad-Eye Moody's death was also a little glossed over. Sure, they mention it, but I liked how in the book they all drink a toast to Mad-Eye. Also, his eye at the front of Umbridge's office was glossed over - you could see it there, but Harry didn't steal it and bury it. What an insult to Mad-Eye's memory. 

Parts that I enjoyed the most
well, basically all of it. There were certain parts that just made me so happy to be a Harry Potter geek. Dobby's scene in Malfoy Manor was one of those parts - Dobby has no master! Dobby is a free elf! - it was fantastic. I love Dobby so much. Another part that I loved was the beginning of the Seven Potters scene - light before the darkness in such a perfect way. Fred and George: "We're identical!" and Radcliffe (as Fleur) in a bra were some of the highlights. Harry at the Ministry was really funny - I like the way they did the Dungbombs. The graveyard scene in Godric's Hollow was very touching, and I liked the way Hermione made the wreath of flowers. "The last enemy to be destroyed is death" (1 Corinthians:15-26, just in case any of you were wondering if Harry Potter is, in actual fact, the Bible, which it is). You can see that quote on the gravestone, even though Harry doesn't point it out. I loved the scene when Hermione was teaching Ron the piano - they, unlike Harry and Ginny, have good chemistry. It was cute the way he looked at her.

The decline of Ron
was very well done. The way he slowly gets more and more jealous is very well-portrayed: a testament to Rupert Grint's acting, of course. He actually acts with his face, unlike Daniel Radcliffe, who acts with his neck. While I'm on the topic of Ron - that Horcrux was a doozy! I didn't expect it to be so huge, and that Harry/Hermione naked makeout session... chills. It was just so wrong. Speaking of which...
The ultimate question: why can't Daniel Radcliffe keep his pants on?
I know that it was the screenwriters' choice and not his, but honestly - *points to heading* why? Does it have to do with his experience in Equus? First there's the Seven Potters, when there are seven Daniel Radcliffes all stripping at once. Then there's the doe scene, when he strips to jump in the lake with the Horcrux STILL AROUND HIS NECK (what a stupid idea). Then there's the Horcrux-produced makeout session. It can't be for the ladies, because quite frankly, Daniel Radcliffe is quite unattractive and skinny and pastey. It's not like he's showing off his abs.

Mischief managed,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Look I didn't forget to post and it's lyndas birthday

Exciting things whee look:
•I didn't forget to post! I just got back from babysitting. I hope you all are happy that I'm so devoted to sit here and text a post for you.
•ZOMG HP7 came out last night at midnight!!!!!!!! According to Virgil (the only one allowed to see it at midnight of us curly fries), it was amazingly mentally insane crazy awesome epic :D
•On a similar note:
IT IS LYNDA'S BIRTHDAY!!!! Gaggghhhh happy birthday, Lynda! You're amazing and awesome and kinda evil and all that other lovely stuff that we adore you most dearly for :)
[--This is where momoxiycarrievirgil are allowed to make edits to this post.==]
An I'm actually in bed right now and it's really difficult to type on this tiny touch keyboard my phone has (sorry about any and all typos...), and I'm actually sitting in my freezing room on my freezing blankets, so I'm going now.
With all due respectsies,

Ps I don't think I made enough of a deal about it before, so here goes:
L Y N D A ' S

Thursday, November 18, 2010


My post is going to be similar to Momo's post. Except that the format will be in "WHY"'s, and lots of ranting.
SIDENOTE: I realized after writing this post that it's split into two parts. One for complaints, and one for HAPPY things. The complaints are in "WHY" format, and the happy things are strung in one huge run-on sentence that my English teacher and xiy and House would be appalled at...if it wasn't so dang happy...If you would like to skip my very interesting and fun(ny) ranting, please scroll down...you should be able to see the rather large words :) Have fun reading!
WHY do teacher's think that they should give you tons of homework when it's THURSDAY? Is it 'cause they believe that it's the day before the day the shouldn't give homework (Friday), so "let's cram in as much stuff as we can before the day!"????????????
WHY is it necessary to gamble all of your points in Final Jeopardy?
WHY did my teammates find it necessary?
WHY did we fricking lose all the points, and then the "Blue Ninjas" won because they were smart enough to leave 100 points?
WHY did I not know the 5 countries/regions that were affected by the war?
WHY is Germany not part of the said "5 countries/regions that were affected by..." World War 1?
WHY is France not part of that^?
WHY is it that whenever I look at something for a while, my glasses start sliding down the non-existent bridge of my nose?
WHY do I have not have a  bridge for my nose?
WHY is it that my brother feels like he has to cry EVERY FRICKING DAY for at least 10 minutes?
WHY is it that my sister feels the need to provoke my brother into crying?
WHY does my house feel freezing when I'm at home after school, and then when my parents come home, it warms up again?
WHY do I have to wake up so early tomorrow to go to Greek?
WHY do I keep bumping my head into things?
WHY does my elbow keep jamming into things?
WHY do I have chronic pain in my neck? ACTUAL pain. Like, I have a crik in it the WHOLE DAY.
WHY do I think that I just spelled "crik" wrong, and Firefox did not give it a red squiggly?
WHY did I forget what "chronic" meant?
WHY do I procrastinate to do my homework?
WHY do I have to have a vocab quiz in Greek tomorrow?
WHY do I have the world's most STUPID Physics teacher?
WHY does she dress like a 5 year-old? WHY is she so fricking stupid? WHY does she not know what she's teaching? WHY...etc.
WHY do I have an outline due on Monday that I haven't started yet? (20 or 30 PAGES!!!)
WHY is Momo such a cruel person? She tortured me! She told me the outline ^ was due on FRIDAY!!!
WHY...there's more, but I think this is long enough...
On a happier note, MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a nice day!
Luv, Lynda

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Stay AWAY from the format button!

Hello there! 

Piece of advice: NEVER EVER press any button that is labeled 'format'. Bad things happen. *shutters* What bad experience has just happened to me you ask? Well, this morning I was lying in my bed, casually listening to music and attempting to put my MP3 on power save mood. You know that saying "curiosity killed the cat..."? Well, I came across this thing called 'format'. Wondering exactly what it would do, I pressed it and my music stopped. Thinking it was just a glitch or whatever, I go back to my music to turn it on again. 
wait, WHAT?! 
>.< ...mkanskjbdkjalhf... *ramble, rant, ramble* 
So, here I am, sitting on my bed, blowing my nose every 10 seconds, and downloading every last song onto my magical, portable player of music (and some new stuff off of iTunes :D )

Did I mention that I'm [still] sick? Yeah, no fun. ._. *cough* *sneeze* Meh... 
I wasn't feeling well on Monday, so I left school early...erm, earlier... and just went home. And yesterday, I was having a pretty lousy day, just not a good day to begin with and I was sick. And this morning I woke up all congested and stuff, so I asked my mom if I could stay home and I did. 

Now, I just continue to download music (I believe sync is the correct term for this but whatever) and be sick. Stupid germs. >.< 

LYNDA'S BIRTHDAY IS IN 2 DAYS! ! Ain't that exciting? 
HARRY POTTER COMES OUT IN 2 DAYS !!!! Doesn't that just double the excitement? 
I'm not going to see it. :( Well, not yet anyway. :) I think Virgil wants me to read the books first... or at least learn the story line. 

Oh, yeah! 
HAPPY [almost] TURKEY DAY! Yummy yummy noms. ^_^ You know, I've always wondered, who *doesn't* celebrate Thanksgiving? Is it, like, one of those universal holidays were everyone is just kind of "programmed" to celebrate it? I guess everyone outside of the USA doesn't... that would make a lot of sense. But inside the US, does just majority of the population celebrate Turkey Day? Anyway, I'm excited for that, too. Even though I almost always get sick. Lovely. My stomach just can't handle all of the food.. wow, it sounds like I have some sort of food disorder. I don't, I promise... Um, yeah. 

Guess who's [finally!] downloading their  last CD. :D Woohoo! 
I hope all is well and that you don't get what I have. It feels like my head is about to explode... ehhh. 

Oh, my gosh. A *long-ish* post from Carrie?!?!?! Crazy stuff. 

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

tuesday ramblings brought to you by xiy

Hello, all.

Today, for the first time ever, the high school cafeteria served curly fries for lunch. This is a rather important event, I should think, as we are the Six Little Curly Fries. It's about time we got to eat our namesake.

It's icky outside [it was raining earlier, and I could've sworn I saw some snow in the mix]. And dark. It's dark early now because of daylight savings time. Like, it's really dark really early. Do you know how I know it's dark?
I know it's dark because it took me almost two minutes to correctly place my key into the lock [yay, unintentional and unavoidable innuendo. . .] of my back door, while standing in the rain (and quite possibly snow). When it becomes almost impossible to unlock one's door because it is impossible to even see one's door [well, the door's lock, but same difference], one can safely assume that either 1) one is going blind, or 2) it is very dark. 

We watched Mulan in Chinese [with English subtitles] in Chinese Club today. It was quite fun. 

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 in three days, woot.
[And here I must add that, yes, Lynda's birthday is also in three days. Just to prevent another angry comment stating something along the lines of, "HEY HOW COME YOU DIDN'T MENTION MY BIRTHDAY!"]

It's been a relatively homework-free Tuesday for me. Quite surprising, actually. Tuesdays are the days in which the teachers feel obliged to give homework--it's not Monday, so they're not guilty about loading us with homework so soon after the weekend, and it's not a flex night [i.e., a night of no homework] for any subject. Or, at least, it might be flex night, but none of my teachers observe it as such.

Virgil and I went fencing today; Momo wasn't feeling well, so she didn't come. 

Um, that's it, I guess.

Wordcount: 51,010

Last sentence: This was more or less the first time she had seriously considered such a thing, and many such incidences would follow in the days to come.


Monday, November 15, 2010


 GUESS WHAT? Due to my current state of sickness, this post will be written entirely in "GUESS WHAT?" form.


BUT GUESS WHAT? I'm not done with my plot so I will keep typing until I'm done.
GUESS WHAT? Lynda's birthday is in 4 days!
AND THEN GUESS WHAT? Lynda got her ears pierced!
GUESS WHAT ELSE? Harry Potter 7 comes out in 4 days!
AND GUESS WHAT ELSE? My birthday is in 15 days! [Lynda=old lady] *cough, cough*]
AND THEN GUESS WHAT ELSE WHAT ELSE? I went to an art class on Saturday and played with clay and made little figures and the people there thought they were awesome! My play-doh skillz are working!
GUESS, GUESS, GUESS WHAT? I have tons of homework to do! Oh, yeah...
BUT IT'S OKAY, GUESS WHY? Sorry, had to break the "GUESS WHAT" format. We had early dismissal today!!
THEN GUESS WHAT? The population of London in 1790 was 88,776!

Wordcount: 50,027
Last Sentence: So Arthur decided to build a snow man.

That was fun.

Secret Message: Hi. That's all.