Tuesday, November 16, 2010

tuesday ramblings brought to you by xiy

Hello, all.

Today, for the first time ever, the high school cafeteria served curly fries for lunch. This is a rather important event, I should think, as we are the Six Little Curly Fries. It's about time we got to eat our namesake.

It's icky outside [it was raining earlier, and I could've sworn I saw some snow in the mix]. And dark. It's dark early now because of daylight savings time. Like, it's really dark really early. Do you know how I know it's dark?
I know it's dark because it took me almost two minutes to correctly place my key into the lock [yay, unintentional and unavoidable innuendo. . .] of my back door, while standing in the rain (and quite possibly snow). When it becomes almost impossible to unlock one's door because it is impossible to even see one's door [well, the door's lock, but same difference], one can safely assume that either 1) one is going blind, or 2) it is very dark. 

We watched Mulan in Chinese [with English subtitles] in Chinese Club today. It was quite fun. 

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 in three days, woot.
[And here I must add that, yes, Lynda's birthday is also in three days. Just to prevent another angry comment stating something along the lines of, "HEY HOW COME YOU DIDN'T MENTION MY BIRTHDAY!"]

It's been a relatively homework-free Tuesday for me. Quite surprising, actually. Tuesdays are the days in which the teachers feel obliged to give homework--it's not Monday, so they're not guilty about loading us with homework so soon after the weekend, and it's not a flex night [i.e., a night of no homework] for any subject. Or, at least, it might be flex night, but none of my teachers observe it as such.

Virgil and I went fencing today; Momo wasn't feeling well, so she didn't come. 

Um, that's it, I guess.

Wordcount: 51,010

Last sentence: This was more or less the first time she had seriously considered such a thing, and many such incidences would follow in the days to come.



  1. Shouldn't you have a comma in the "HEY HOW COME..."?

  2. @Lynda: Well, I was going for an indignant/angry tone.
    [And, you have to admit, you were never one to use commas correctly, and I'm emulating you.]
