Friday, November 26, 2010

music makes me happy :D

So I looked at the clock, right? And it was all like 11:14, right? And then I was like dang, what do I write about? And then my iTunes was playing and stuff, so I'm writing about the top few songs I like.

Annie Act I Overture
What can I say? I'm a sucker for overtures. And I loveee how this particular one passes my favourite little bits of the musical from section to section while capturing the mood of the story really nicely :)

Brick by Boring Brick [Paramore]
Paramore's awesome, man. Like, they're the soundtrack for pretty much every little angsty teen's life. This particular song doesn't sound like all the others' sorta similar melodies to me, which I like :)

Reflections of Earth [part of an Epcot {like, Disney} show]
Soooo epicccc.

Kan Guo Lai [this adorable Chinese song]
When I first heard it, I thought it sounded a lot like China's version of Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours," and then I read out the translation, and it's actually about this guy who can't get any chicks. But whatever. Same diff, right?

Eyelashes [Alex Day and Tom Milsom]
Ohmygoodness, they're so cute and it's such a lovely song! :D
If you don't know Alex and/or Tom, I suggest you get your butt over to YouTube right this instant and look up both of their names. And then look up this song. And then you will understand <3

This Isn't Hogwarts [Hank Green]
This song makes nerds every happy. Because as we all know, public school ain't no place for a wizard.

Married Life [Up soundtrack]
If you've seen Up, this totally makes you relive that bittersweet opening scene alllll over again. And I dunno about you, but Up is definitely on my list of the best movies ever made ever. Ever.

(I do  like normal music, too, tough. Katy and Taylor {Swift} are constantly playing. But these have been my favourites for a while, and pop fades in and out. And we all know the Harry Potter soundtracks are beastly.)
Of course there are a ton others, but those are what I can come up with off the top of my head at the moment.

Feel free to discuss your own favourites below :)

With all due respect,


  1. I'm shocked, shocked, that "Reflections of Earth" didn't make your list.

    H's dad

  2. "Sleeping Sun" by Nightwish. It's a very beautiful song.

  3. House!!!! You and Virgil have still not done the thanksgiving post thing. I love Up music!!!!!!

  4. Oops just saw it did make your list. Phewww.

    H's dad

  5. @Momo: *lazy* Yeah, oops. I did it at the same time someone else did, so mine got deleted. Sorry 'bout that...
