Monday, November 22, 2010

Nothing in Particular

You know that feeling? The one that you get when you have to follow up someone's amazing performance? Yeah, I'm feeling that. Thanks, Virgil. No, I'm just playing. I do feel rather down that I have to follow such an amazing post, but Virgil should be applauded, not put down! I tend to get this feeling a lot. Like when I was younger, I played violin for a few months...don't make fun of me. I had always wanted to play violin as a little kid. One day I was playing violin in my street (cars are sort of rare) before my lesson. I thought I was sooo good! Then my teacher arrived and she played some amazing Tchaikovsky piece or something and then turned and was all, "Okay. Your turn." I pulled up my bow and fixed my fingers with my other hand and then pulled up my violin. Soon enough I was screeching Mary had a Little Lamb like a pro. But not really. Not only did I suck, but I felt even worse because I'm sure my teacher was thinking, "What is wrong with this kid? Did she not learn any amazing solos to surprise me with? I need a new job."
That reminded me!!! If I hadn't quit violin and switched to clarinet, I would never have gone to band camp where I am fairly certain I met Virgil for the first time. I also would not have gotten closer to House who, despite her claims that she's put up with me since kindergarten, only knew me from a distance-ish type thing. If I hadn't met Virgil I wouldn't have done Science Olympiad. I wouldn't have gotten closer with the rest of you and probably would have sat alone in a corner at lunch in seventh grade. Then we wouldn't all sit together in eighth grade. If that hadn't happened, Six Little Curly Fries would not be in existence at all. You are allowed to thank me for quitting violin. XD
What else should I write about? Lynda is an old lady. I'm gonna be an old lady in *checks watch* 8 days. 

THANKSGIVING IS APPROACHIN'!!!!! TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL BEFORE OUR only 5 day break. That's pathetic. Only 5 days to give thanks? I need at least two weeks to scratch the surface of the amount of things I'm thankful for. We should do that on Thursday. Are you willing to forfeit a post, Lynda? Of course she is.

Did you ever notice that teachers get lazy around breaks. We're having, like, four "parties" a.k.a. thisisn'treallyapartypersebecausewearen'tallowedtoletyoustudentstobehappysotechnicallyit'sjustasharingofcultureandfoodthatwewillsomehowfindanamefor.
It's hard to type without spacing instinctively. I'm making pigs in a blanket for our Latin feast because apparently stuffed dormice/whole pigs is not a very popular grocery store item. Pigs in a blanket will do. [The pigs are made out of beef, though]
Do I have to write a secret message?
I have to eat dinner.Toodles!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sorry, Lyndikins. It was my only option. :'(

  3. ^What happened?

    Anyway, thanks for quitting violin, Momo. We all appreciate it. ♥
    Oh, and I was silly and fell down for no apparent reason in fencing today. It was very embarrassing. >.>

  4. Thank you, Momo :)
    I'm so excited for our cena!! I'm bringing grapes!! eugepae!!
