Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Hello there! 

And today marks the first day of TURKEY DAY BREAK! Which means that we do not return to school for 5 more days! :D 

side-note from reality: Okay, seriously? Does it take a big deal to ask someone if their laundry is ready? Geez, I KNOW when I put it in. >.< Yeah, thought so...

^Lawlz. That's what she said.^_^

I'mmmmm hungry. And I wanna watch a movie. OMG! So today would've been the day that I went to go see HP7 but instead I went... 4 days ago. And it was FRICKIN' AMAZING! I had to keep reminding myself that there was a part 2 because I was anticipating the end so badly.  OMG I CAN'T WAIT FOR PART TWOOOOO!!!!

Ugh, this computer is obnoxious and isn't letting me type. It also isn't registering whenever I hit the SHIFT button! 'Shift' + 'a' = a. NO! I want an uppercase letter. It's the beginning of a sentence! Grammar, people, please! *rant, mumble* 

I want some noms. Noms would be very nice right now. But I'm a bit too lazy to go make some food, and I'm not sure what exactly we have to make. Ew. And I have to print out some school related stuff before I forget. 

Guess who's birthday is coming up? [MOMO'S!] And guess who's prof. pic gave away the banner. My bad, guys, really. I just couldn't resist. And she would've seen it sooner or later anyways, right?

Yeah, so, that's about it. 
Tschau! (< way of saying good-bye in German. Pronounced like 'ciao')


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 


  1. Eh, I probably would have found it anyway. No hard feelings, yo.

    Tchüss!!!<--more fun to say :)

  2. Yeah, it's all right, Carrie. :)
