Saturday, January 28, 2012


Carrie is very sick, and she does not like it. 

In fact, right before I began typing this post I had the worst double sneeze ever. It was one of those sneezes when your in pre-sneeze position with your mouth open and chin up for like 10 seconds, and then I sneezed... twice... in a row. It hurt, a lot. 

I should start a cause. The Common Cold Cause. Because if anyone is like me when they're sick, they know what it's like to go through a million boxes of tissues. Every. Single. Day. I mean, personally I think it'd be a great cause! Money could be donated to a cure or something for the common cold. Tissue boxes and medicine could also be donated. 

Gah. I just hate this. 

You know what else drive me bonkers? When people make conversations, out of status comments on facebook. That happened to me this morning. It's really annoying, although I have been guilty only once or twice. It's okay when people have a brief discussion, but when you turn around and it goes from like 4 to 56, that's not okay. 

On a brighter note, here's some cute pictures of animals! 

And, naturally, a link to even more cute animals: 
DFTBA! <3 (Which I just realized could also mean "don't forget to be ADORABLE"! ) 


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Friday, January 27, 2012


My life is not cooperating, and I don't want to write a post that's going to basically be me whining about my not-very-terrible life (as I am quite perfectly aware that it's certainly not as bad as it could be and that I'm incredibly lucky, etc, and as such it just feels wrong to complain), so. I'm not going to complain about it here.

I've been listening to Charlie's new song, and it's been helping me calm down. ^.^ I've also recently discovered the joy of Draco/Harry fanfic, so that'll keep me nicely distracted for awhile from life, at least. Coping methods are fun.

I wish we could go live in our dreams. I've been having some nice ones lately, I think, though I never remember them properly after I wake up. I've also been waking up, like, ten minutes before the alarm lately as well, which sucks, because I can't get back to sleep before the alarm is blaring incessantly into my head and everything goes downhill from there. At least when I wake up in the middle of the night it seems like I get more sleep. :|

And okay, that's going a bit too much into the self-pitying track, so yeah. Nevermind.

I wrote a poem about sheep, but it's kind of long and so I won't put it here.

Speaking about poems (but not about sheep), I've been trying to memorize "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" after reading TFIOS. So far I'm only onto the first stanza. That's a good coping method as well. Poetry's fun when it's not being overanalyzed by incompetent tenth-grade English students.

Sigh. I think I'm going to go draw character art for some people now. I'm so behind on that it's not even funny.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Things in Life

Today was a rather average day here in Curly-fry Land--we had school, my sister and I went fencing, and I just ate dinner (which was far too spicy for my taste). 

In biology, we conducted the first part of a lab involving E. Coli and the insertion of DNA into it which was rather interesting. 

The rest of the day proved to be rather uneventful until after school.

Our school has this program (International Baccalaureate (IB)) which is basically like taking all AP classes but they're all unified and tied together. It's a lot more complicated than that but I don't even feel like writing about it (and the only people who read this are you 5 and you all clearly know about it). Anyway, all 6 of us attended IB Tea in which they talked about IB and we sat in the upper cafeteria of our school eating mini sandwiches and cookies drinking tea and feeling incredibly sophisticated. 

This year we have to decide whether we're going to do it or not. 

Which sucks because it's 2 years of our life that we have to plan and oh my gosh pressure. 

So yeah. That's life right now.

I have to start homework because it's after 6:30 and there's so much D:. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

lol it's virgil's bedtime

It's second semester now. 
Went to fencing for the first time in over a month. 
Spent all evening on an English project. 
Missed the new Glee. 
Watched Obama talk about the state of the union. 

Today I wrote a poem called "Ginger Tea."

If herbal tea is made of herbs
Then ginger tea is made of gingers -
All those red-haired men, women and children
Oh so tasty. 


Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year!

Hey all!

I want to go to sleep, so this post will be relatively short :)

Today is the Lunar Calendar's NEW YEAR! Also known as CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!! YAY!!! My family had really yummmmmmmyyyy food yesterday and today: dumplings, seafood (you have to have this for the new year, it's to do with the word for "fish" and "plenty/extra" sounding the same-so if you eat fish, you'll have plenty/extra/surplus of GOOD THINGS/FOOD <3), nian gao (which is like, sticky rice cake things...mmmm) and lots of other delicious things. Anyways, that's really all I wanted to say. School has started again >.< Second semester is going, okay...Essentially, I am going to study really hard this semester, and get A+'s in ALL THE THINGS. This includes AP Bio tests and math tests...which I can totally do :)

For Chinese New Year, there's also this show/celebration/"variety show" on TV that my family watches every year. I couldn't find a video of it, but that's okay...
sooooo....that's all! I'll leave y'all with these lovely pictures! :D
Isn't that pretty? China makes really pretty things <3

Apparently, Chinese New Year/the Spring Festival is celebrated around the world now. This is in the UK.
While this isn't OUR table, it gives you an idea of how amazingly yummy and  how much food there is...
Common don't "raise the red lantern" (lol) on Chinese New Year, that's for the Lantern Festival: the 15th lunar day!

Luv, Lynda!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

School Tomorrow Is Making Me Want to D: D: D: D: D:

NOOOOOOGH. (*cue sobbing*)
This is very unsatisfying to me.
So unsatisfying, in fact, I cannot possibly focus on anything else besides how miserable I am about returning to the cruel cruel cruel world of annoying cliques, letter grades, evil teacher[s], and slang terms I still don't really understand that is high school.

After hearing me whine about my hatred for school and my blogger's block, a friend suggested I draw something for the blog.

... I did.

Actually, I drew it in the past ten minutes, and I'm only just getting to the word portion of this post now. But you wouldn't know that if I told you! Wow! Um, blogging magic!

Let me tell you a little bit about what I drawded.
This is a pig. Her name is Jessie The Pig. She has a kind heart and periwinkle eyes that sparkle. She lives with me. The sky is orange because it is very late at night (or veryyyy early in the morning I guess is more accurate), and the sky gets weirdly but prettily orange here at that time. She's smiling because she likes the orangey sky.
The funnest part of Jessie The Pig to draw was her tail. Her tail is curly.

While looking for the file of Jessie The Pig, I found this lovely image:

Whoaaa what in the gosh darned heck is that?
It's the Rosette Nebula! Look how pretty it is!
We had our first Science Olympiad invitational of the year yesterday, and one of the ~~*surprise events*~~ I received late Tuesday night (just part of the fun of being an alternate woohoo three four [SUPER SURPRISE EVENT] events in fourish days) was Astronomy. One of the things I was frantically searching while sobbing on Google was this sexilicious nebula. Cool, right. Right. Very cool. How cool? So cool. Yes.

Umm, yeah. That's about all I did this week.
Cry over school, draw stuff, and stare at pretty stars in the name of science.

Well, that just about wraps up this week's episode of

~ House's Exciting Life! ~

With all due respect,

P.S. Happy Chinese New Year! Yay! Xin nian kuai le! 新年快乐!Woohoo, celebration!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Please, leave a meesage after the beeeeep.

oh. hey.

quick morning post, y'alls.
Like anyone cares.

ummmm.. I'm reaaaaally exhausted. It's not fun.
Yesterday I was up at 7 45, went to my flute lesson at 8 45, didn't get back home until a little after 12, went to a friend's house at 12 45, went to a concert until 11, didn't got to bed until 2.
But it was soooo worth ittttttt. :)

How was Momo's?
good :)


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Friday, January 20, 2012

oh wait I'm supposed to post today

. . . and I have no inspiration. I'm supposed to be either studying for Science Olympiad (it's supposed to snow 3-5 inches between tonight and 6AM tomorrow morning, and I am sort of hoping it gets canceled) or doing an English assignment.

Needless to say, I've started on neither of them. Ah, life. 


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

...I never actually learned this...

It's really, really difficult to feel motivated to study for a final when you've just taken four others, and you have a 99% in the class. I could get a D on this final and I'd be fine. Normally in this situation I feel motivated to study by the fact that I want the teacher of that particular class to like me, but this particular teacher hates everyone anyway, so I feel like there's no point. 

Yet there are hundreds of vocab words I'm supposed to know, and I guess I'm going to learn them all between now and 8:30 tomorrow morning... yeah. 
Okay so this part is going to be invisible because I only want Curly Fries to see it. And if you're not a Curly Fry, either go away or just keep this to yourself. I know I complain about my twin sister a lot and you guys don't take me seriously, but this is actually a problem and I don't feel safe at my house anymore. So I don't want to be "inviting myself" or anything, but whenever somebody sees an opportunity to have me sleep over at their house... that would be nice. I don't know how much longer I can survive here, and frankly, it's really scary some days. Maybe no one will read this, but if you are, I want you to know that I legitimately need help.
Bleh. Latin.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Sparkly and Pretty things and Parfum

Hello! So, I'm writing this on Tuesday...I know, I know, I'm such a terrible person, but yesterday I spent the whole day studying ALL THE BIOLOGY THINGS. It was crazy.

And today, when I got home from taking the biology final (which in retrospect, wasn't quite that was very long, I know I got many things wrong, but all the studying paid off :D ), there was a Macy's Jewelry Sale catalog waiting for me. I was VERY HAPPY. 

See, of all the things I like (being nasty, money, gloating, friends, money, ranting, money, big gigundous house/mansions...), I LOVE SPARKLY AND PRETTY THINGS. And the catalogs were FILLED WITH SPARKLY AND PRETTY THINGS!!!! YAYYAYAAYYAYAYAYAY!!!! I went through every page, oohed and aaahed about everything SPARKLY AND PRETTY, and lamented(used bad words to express my lament) about how everything was $500 and up, and everything in the "DIAMONDS" booklet was $1000 and up... T_T

But 'tis okay, because I took pictures of some of the things I oohed and aaahed at, and that way, any of you readers can gift them to me :D JUST KIDDING! I wouldn't want y'all to spend so much money on a crazy girl that you've never met before :) (but if you want, that would be flattering) I have below, some pictures of them, so you can all enjoy with me to SPARKLY AND PRETTY THINGS!!!!!! 

The last picture is of those perfume samples (parfum in French...I'm studying for the French finals, you can tell). I love them <3 Sometimes you get the ones that smell really good ^_^ mmmmm. Of course, then you get ones that absolutely stink :P But the ones in the picture all smell really good, especially that Coach one. It's called "Poppy Flower" and it's probably really expensive, but mmmmmmmmmmmmm it smells REALLY good. What I like most about them is the perfume bottle. The peachy one that's got the woman looking behind her (above the "j'adore Dior" one) has a really pretty bottle.

My camera is seriously messed up. Some of the pictures are really clear, and others are super blurry. meh. The "Le Vian" chocolatier jewelry is really pretty. Which is interesting, considering it's from a chocolatier? Or maybe that's just a name. W/e, I still like them. SO PRETTY.

Eh, that's all.

I've yet to watch the last episode of Sherlock, season 2. I'm getting desperate. Very desperate.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Finals and Finals and Finals and Sadness.


Oh, gosh. We are in the middle of finals x.x (At least NHD is over for now...)

Thankfully, the two that I think were hardest for me, APUSH and algebra, are over. Sooo lovely. I spent a while after the math final on Friday on the phone with Lynda, sobbing with her over how we're never gonna graduate/go to college/make it past tenth grade and how little we want to take Tuesday's biology final.
The next couple days will be spent studying for biology, which I hope isn't too bad, maybe, hopefully? ^.^"

*sighs* Ummm, not much has been going on in my life lately.
Momo, Virgil, and xiy all got their copies of The Fault in Our Stars, so they've been spazzing the frick out over how sad and amazing it is. We've decided to read it for our book club, and since I wasn't devoted enough to buy my own special copy, I'm borrowing xiy's. I'm not, like, a giant fan of John Green's stuff, but I like it on occasion, and I hear that this one is really good.  So I get to read that once finals are over. It should be a really lovely way to unwind :)

Finals. Yeah. Finals... eghhhh. I no likey.

Anyway, I should go back to making Latin flashcards now.
I have such an exciting life. omg. You can't even comprehend how exciting.

With all due respect,

Friday, January 13, 2012


My copy of The Fault in Our Stars came in the mail today! 8D So this post is going to be correspondingly short, because I am going to read it alllllll.

There was a math final today. It was a harrowing experience that I never want to go through again, because life sucks when you know you've done poorly on a horribly difficult math final like I have. :(

There was also an APUSH final today. That wasn't so bad.

Aaaaaand now I will go back to eating grapefruit and reading TFIOS. See you.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

lol my life is funny, no?

Hahaha... sorry, guys.

Um, I'm really confused right now. 
And if I randomly burst out into songs from Cotton Patch Gospel, just calmly tell me that I'm being annoying and I'll stop. Well, I'll try to stop. 

And if I randomly start rambling about my life, you guys - as my friends - should totally have the license to tell me to shut up. 

Yeah. I'm really sorry. I'm figuring it out.

And yeah, it's Monday. I'll post this tomorrow.

More on Tuesday... um, yeah. Finals. The Fault in Our Stars came out today, and according to Facebook, Momo already has her copy. I do not. This is irritating. Hopefully it's on its way :) 

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Carrie is bored. 

Not even just a little bit bored. I have MAJOR boredom right now. It's pretty awful.
Without a phone or my computer, I have no way to communicate with people, which is pretty much what I do with my life. Now I have nothing to do except listen to music and play Vortex/ Klondike on my iPod, and even that isn't all that interesting. 

I DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY HOMEWORK TO DO! What is this world coming to? I mean, I DID go over to a friend's house today, but that was to work on a project. However, I guess that was fun. :) Still! I don't even have TV to watch, and most of the movies we have I've seen 5 million times (we don't even have that many movies >.< ) And more than likely, my mom won't let me watch Netflix all that often. (Netflix is really the only other way I spend my time, but only to watch Glee and Skins.) Ugh! I'm so bored! 

I'll probably just sleep all of tomorrow. I need a hobby. It probably wouldn't even last that long... I'm not a huge reader and I don't have that long of an attention-span so it takes me like 2-3 times as long to do normal things. Maybe I'll go attempt to finish the 4 bracelets I have to make for people.. but then when I'm done with those, what am I gonna do? *Sigh* The world needs to be less busy. Then, I can actually hang out with people. Then again it would also help if people remembered that they knew me... 

DFTBA! <3 

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Friday, January 6, 2012

in which xiy avoids public speaking and (successfully?) philosophizes

I had to present the NHD board today, which was basically a study in how quickly I could put the APUSH class to sleep (i.e., not a very long time), because I suck at public speaking and presenting things and there was such a lot to say and not very much time to say it. It's hard to fangirl over dead French revolutionaries when one stumbles over one's own words far too often. :|a

And this is why I like the Internet! Because my writing skills are so much better, see. I should just retreat into a cave with a good wi-fi connection and never come out again, but then again I wouldn't ever see my friends. That's not good, but perhaps my friends could visit me. I would be like Thoreau camping out in the woods, only I don't care at all about finding myself (because the self is very good at evading enlightenment) or cutting myself off from the world, hence the occasional friendly visit and Internet connection. Scathing criticisms of society could still work, I suppose, though I doubt anybody would care.

Interesting, isn't it, how Thoreau, despite being a recluse by a pond for two years (which reminds me, I was given the entirety of Walden last Christmas by this one Chinese college kid I don't know very well that my parents invited over, and I've been meaning to read it), had to rejoin society and actually write for his message to be known. If he'd stayed by the pond and never left, then nobody would know or care, except for maybe Thoreau.

At any rate, I think I could live pretty nicely in a well-stocked cave for awhile, though the nights would probably get pretty cold. The stargazing opportunities would be endless, though, if it were on a mountain. If it were on a mountain, the frostbite opportunities would be equally endless. I would probably fall off of the mountain and break something major, in which case I would have to retreat to civilization (assuming that civilization ever found my broken body, etc) for awhile. I could publish the book and call it Mountain and then get famous. Or something.

Or I could learn rock-climbing and/or proper balance, get a few goats, and start up a successful cheesemaking business and thus fund my enormous Internet bills. Perhaps I could learn hang-gliding with the extra money. That would be cool. Imagination is a wonderful thing.

Listening to Muse right now. It is pretty, but quite sad.

Not sure any of this post makes sense.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

In Which Momo [tries to] Philosophize

As I was trekking home from school today, the footprints in the snow that had been frozen over and made permanent until warmer weather arrives for some reason made me feel very philosophical. 
Sometimes feeling philosophical to me can be raising questions composed of the first words that come out of my mouth (prime examples of such include "stars are like chicken wings, they only last a couple of days," and "Is it socially acceptable to be a cat?").
Other times I find myself just thinking about really obscure hidden meanings for things.
Basically, as I walked home, I found myself philosophizing
Instead of walking through the more solid part of the snow on the sidewalk, the beaten trail, I found myself walking on the side of the sidewalk where all the melted snow mixes with mud and forms amazing puddles to splash in. Normally I would choose not


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Where I come from, we call this feeling sawdy.

So... our high school is hosting the effing president of the United States tomorrow, but I don't get to see him. It's just the senior class plus the crazy people who waited three hours in the snow to get tickets. 
Stupid fire safety. They could have crammed the whole school into the auditorium if they really tried. 


Anyways, there are more important things in my life than Obama. Most of these very important things are super-duper complicated and would take of lifetime to explain and involve me trying to figure out who I am etc. etc. very hush hush yet awfully cliche, but some of the things must be put out there, like:

1. Finals are coming up! Ahhhhh!!
2. Science Olympiad competitions are coming up! Ahhhh!!
3. Latin Convention is coming up! Ahhhhh!!
4. Chamber Music Festival is coming up! Ahhhhhh!!
5. The church musical is coming up! Yayyyyyy!! 

SO. In addition to crazy complicated things going on in real life, there are all these fake-life things that I have to deal with and make time for, and it's insane. Now when I say fake-life, I don't mean they're imaginary, I just mean that this stuff seems important right now, and even though it's pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things (unlike the real-life stuff) it seems to be taking up ALL OF MY TIME. Yikes. 

Even though I won't go into detail about the other things, let's just say that my life is laughably cliche and if it were a book, even a really well-written book, everyone would hate it because they've heard it all before. Ick.

Anyways, I've got a lot of things on the agenda for today even though I've technically finished my homework, so I'd better get crackin'.


[Edit: just reread my post and it makes no sense. lol sorry.] 

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Edit: GUYS THIS WAS THE 500th POST! -Virgil


here's to a lovely 2012 and surviving the apocalypse (or better yet, no apocalypse at all)

forever, the Six Little Curly Fries


Haha, yeah. Remember me? I'm here, posting. Sorry it's been a while. I'm kind of, um, forgetful ^.^"

How have you all been? Goodness, it's been so long.
I haven't been doing much the past couple weeks. Just been, like, lazing around the house, sleeping, eating...
It's been a right pain. Luckily, I have xiy to be lovely and wonderful for a partner, so it hasn't been too ridiculous. I'm learning quite a bit about French history and other things around the late 1700s and early 1800s. We're sooo close to being done with the board! We just need to tack on the thesis, the timeline, and a couple other things. It looks like it's going to be really lovely :)

Maybe it's been all the history I've been waist-deep in the past couple weeks... I haven't really been making a huge deal about the new year. In past years, I've usually taken a good amount of time thinking of listing resolutiony things, but this year feels different. Like, it's just another year. I guess it's pretty cool. I sort of just want sophomore year to be over with. (... and we haven't even started batch one of finals, sigh.)

I've also been recovering from being sick for much of this break, which isn't fun. But it makes my voice all scratchy, and I always sort of liked that for whatever weird reason.

Aaaaand because it's pretty much mandatory, I have to ask the totally cliche question: what are your resolutionssss for thiz yearrrr? Anything lovely and fun? Or just, like, getting healthy, happy, smart, life-in-order stuff?

[Oh, you poor reader. The 6LCF blog has deteriorated into "... NHD... yeah. Okay. Going to go cry from all the stress and work now. Bye! <3"]

With all due respect,