Saturday, January 7, 2012


Carrie is bored. 

Not even just a little bit bored. I have MAJOR boredom right now. It's pretty awful.
Without a phone or my computer, I have no way to communicate with people, which is pretty much what I do with my life. Now I have nothing to do except listen to music and play Vortex/ Klondike on my iPod, and even that isn't all that interesting. 

I DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY HOMEWORK TO DO! What is this world coming to? I mean, I DID go over to a friend's house today, but that was to work on a project. However, I guess that was fun. :) Still! I don't even have TV to watch, and most of the movies we have I've seen 5 million times (we don't even have that many movies >.< ) And more than likely, my mom won't let me watch Netflix all that often. (Netflix is really the only other way I spend my time, but only to watch Glee and Skins.) Ugh! I'm so bored! 

I'll probably just sleep all of tomorrow. I need a hobby. It probably wouldn't even last that long... I'm not a huge reader and I don't have that long of an attention-span so it takes me like 2-3 times as long to do normal things. Maybe I'll go attempt to finish the 4 bracelets I have to make for people.. but then when I'm done with those, what am I gonna do? *Sigh* The world needs to be less busy. Then, I can actually hang out with people. Then again it would also help if people remembered that they knew me... 

DFTBA! <3 

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

1 comment:

  1. Aw, poor Carrie. D: We haven't forgotten that you exist! <3
