Friday, January 27, 2012


My life is not cooperating, and I don't want to write a post that's going to basically be me whining about my not-very-terrible life (as I am quite perfectly aware that it's certainly not as bad as it could be and that I'm incredibly lucky, etc, and as such it just feels wrong to complain), so. I'm not going to complain about it here.

I've been listening to Charlie's new song, and it's been helping me calm down. ^.^ I've also recently discovered the joy of Draco/Harry fanfic, so that'll keep me nicely distracted for awhile from life, at least. Coping methods are fun.

I wish we could go live in our dreams. I've been having some nice ones lately, I think, though I never remember them properly after I wake up. I've also been waking up, like, ten minutes before the alarm lately as well, which sucks, because I can't get back to sleep before the alarm is blaring incessantly into my head and everything goes downhill from there. At least when I wake up in the middle of the night it seems like I get more sleep. :|

And okay, that's going a bit too much into the self-pitying track, so yeah. Nevermind.

I wrote a poem about sheep, but it's kind of long and so I won't put it here.

Speaking about poems (but not about sheep), I've been trying to memorize "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" after reading TFIOS. So far I'm only onto the first stanza. That's a good coping method as well. Poetry's fun when it's not being overanalyzed by incompetent tenth-grade English students.

Sigh. I think I'm going to go draw character art for some people now. I'm so behind on that it's not even funny.


1 comment:

  1. I don't entirely understand The Love Song. Like, the parts they reference in TFIOS make sense, but the poem as a whole kind of goes over my head.
