Sunday, January 1, 2012


Edit: GUYS THIS WAS THE 500th POST! -Virgil


here's to a lovely 2012 and surviving the apocalypse (or better yet, no apocalypse at all)

forever, the Six Little Curly Fries


Haha, yeah. Remember me? I'm here, posting. Sorry it's been a while. I'm kind of, um, forgetful ^.^"

How have you all been? Goodness, it's been so long.
I haven't been doing much the past couple weeks. Just been, like, lazing around the house, sleeping, eating...
It's been a right pain. Luckily, I have xiy to be lovely and wonderful for a partner, so it hasn't been too ridiculous. I'm learning quite a bit about French history and other things around the late 1700s and early 1800s. We're sooo close to being done with the board! We just need to tack on the thesis, the timeline, and a couple other things. It looks like it's going to be really lovely :)

Maybe it's been all the history I've been waist-deep in the past couple weeks... I haven't really been making a huge deal about the new year. In past years, I've usually taken a good amount of time thinking of listing resolutiony things, but this year feels different. Like, it's just another year. I guess it's pretty cool. I sort of just want sophomore year to be over with. (... and we haven't even started batch one of finals, sigh.)

I've also been recovering from being sick for much of this break, which isn't fun. But it makes my voice all scratchy, and I always sort of liked that for whatever weird reason.

Aaaaand because it's pretty much mandatory, I have to ask the totally cliche question: what are your resolutionssss for thiz yearrrr? Anything lovely and fun? Or just, like, getting healthy, happy, smart, life-in-order stuff?

[Oh, you poor reader. The 6LCF blog has deteriorated into "... NHD... yeah. Okay. Going to go cry from all the stress and work now. Bye! <3"]

With all due respect,


  1. Glad to see you back, House! ♥ It's been awhile, hasn't it?

    And argh I should have been spending my winter break being a recluse and studying for finals/doing Science Olympiad, but instead NHD steamrollered on by and I have done nothing. Finals, what.

    Even so, it's been a better winter break than most, and 2012 looks to be a good year. :D I personally resolve to get my butt in gear after break and not fail finals.

    this was a long comment.

  2. oh yeah, I should be getting work done right now...
