Sunday, January 22, 2012

School Tomorrow Is Making Me Want to D: D: D: D: D:

NOOOOOOGH. (*cue sobbing*)
This is very unsatisfying to me.
So unsatisfying, in fact, I cannot possibly focus on anything else besides how miserable I am about returning to the cruel cruel cruel world of annoying cliques, letter grades, evil teacher[s], and slang terms I still don't really understand that is high school.

After hearing me whine about my hatred for school and my blogger's block, a friend suggested I draw something for the blog.

... I did.

Actually, I drew it in the past ten minutes, and I'm only just getting to the word portion of this post now. But you wouldn't know that if I told you! Wow! Um, blogging magic!

Let me tell you a little bit about what I drawded.
This is a pig. Her name is Jessie The Pig. She has a kind heart and periwinkle eyes that sparkle. She lives with me. The sky is orange because it is very late at night (or veryyyy early in the morning I guess is more accurate), and the sky gets weirdly but prettily orange here at that time. She's smiling because she likes the orangey sky.
The funnest part of Jessie The Pig to draw was her tail. Her tail is curly.

While looking for the file of Jessie The Pig, I found this lovely image:

Whoaaa what in the gosh darned heck is that?
It's the Rosette Nebula! Look how pretty it is!
We had our first Science Olympiad invitational of the year yesterday, and one of the ~~*surprise events*~~ I received late Tuesday night (just part of the fun of being an alternate woohoo three four [SUPER SURPRISE EVENT] events in fourish days) was Astronomy. One of the things I was frantically searching while sobbing on Google was this sexilicious nebula. Cool, right. Right. Very cool. How cool? So cool. Yes.

Umm, yeah. That's about all I did this week.
Cry over school, draw stuff, and stare at pretty stars in the name of science.

Well, that just about wraps up this week's episode of

~ House's Exciting Life! ~

With all due respect,

P.S. Happy Chinese New Year! Yay! Xin nian kuai le! 新年快乐!Woohoo, celebration!

1 comment:

  1. You're adorable. I love the pig. 新年快乐你! (Haha, I'm sure that's not right ^_^ Yay for fake Chinese skills...) ♥

    Also Blogger won't let me log in to leave my comment. D:
