Sunday, April 29, 2012

guys. GUYS. 


A'ight. So what had happened was...
We were sitting at lunch, right? And we were bored because we were in middle school, and that's about all middle school seems ever to be for. Then the lights dimmed. Only a single brilliant beam of light shone down upon our dear Momo, who was suddenly struck with an idea. What about a collab blog? Kind of like the Five Awesome Girls of YouTube, except the Six Something Somethings of Some Blogging Site?
The six no-lifers were overjoyed at this concept. Writing? ZOMG FUN.
After much debate, they settled on House's idea for a name, the Six Little Curly Fries {capitalising "the" being optional}. Figuring internet anonymity would be a good thing, they chose nicknames quickly.
Magically, they each wanted different days. Hoorayyyy.
And so—after a little bit of site debate—this blog was borned.

I know we've been totally neglecting this blog, BUT let us not forget that TODAY IS OUR TWO-YEAR ANNIVERSARY HOORAY so even though we're all insanely busy etc. I want everyone to get their lovely butts over here and say honestly whether you thought we would hold out this long. I'll go first. 

Virgil: No, I didn't think we would last this long. I originally figured that we might keep it up for a couple months and then it would fizzle out. It might feel like it's fizzling out a bit now, but that's just because high school is insane and stuff. I love all you guys and I want us to keep this going especially when we all go to college, as a non-Facebook way of keeping in touch. It feels more intimate, you know?  So anyway, I've written a poem for ya'll to express my feelings. Actually, I haven't, but I'm about to as soon as I'm done typing this sentence. 

Roses are red
Violets are blue
No other French fries 
Are curlier than you! 

Carrie: *begins to tear up* Guys, GUYS! We're all growing up so fast. I don't know if I-- I'm sorry, I'm getting emotional. *sniff, sniff* You all are just so lovely. And I'm glad that we've been able to keep this blog going two years, and hopefully many more to come. :) I remember on this day last year, we were all assembled at Momo's house and watching Starship. *Sigh* such good times. Please please please please pleassssseeee can we get together sometime?!?!?!?!!??!?!??! I miss you all so dearly. It's like there's this little hole inside my heart that only all of you can fill up. <3 Okay, I'm gonna go now before I burst into pathetic, pitiful sobs of joy. Two year, woo! Let's go for 97 more. :D 

xiy: Ohmygoodness, we're so old! I honestly never thought forward as far as one year, let alone two, so it's really lovely to see us hit our landmark—even if it's been a bit slow recently. A slow blog is definitely better than a dead one, so kudos to all of you dear Curly Fries for its maintenance! ♥ We can go on forever, I think. We should go on forever. There's been no proper celebrations yet, but that's not important. What is important is that you're all such brilliant friends that I would never ever want to give up. I will raise us a hot-chocolate toast to years and years more together, and know that I love all of you with the depths of my heart.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Today there was an art show at the library and some of my stuff was put in it and it was really lovely. :D

We also took a giant APUSH test, which wasn't nearly as lovely.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


I apologize on behalf of all curly fries (except for Carrie who is the only one who can do more than one thing at a time) for not posting dutifully. We are all (Carrie included--she just can do more than one thing at once) very busy children. What with FINALS and APEXAMS and OHMYGOSHWHYISN'TITSUMMERYET there is scarcely time for breathing, much less posting (except for Carrie because she can handle more than one thing at a time).
The subject of today's post is MY DREAMS.
Recently I've been having weird (and super vivid) dreams and I DON'T KNOW WHY!!! D:

The first of the weird dreams was on Monday night in which my dream featured much cat petting and also skiing. I went skiing at a resort where I have visited once before in another dream but that doesn't actually exist. The slope is super icy and narrow and steep and so after going down the hill once, my dad, sister, her friend and I went to a rich man's big house for hot chocolate. I sat under the stairs and petted his two cats--Mini Jaguar (who looked like a mini jaguar) and White Cat (who was a white cat). Then all of a sudden I was petting, like, seven black cats but they all had different faces and it was slightly scary.

The next dream, on Tuesday night, featured my cousin and a baby/dog (there was both a red-haired baby and a red furred dog that I somehow understood to be one in the same). As the dream goes, my cousin found the baby/dog (in its baby form) but then it eventually ran away. Logically, we wanted it to return so we tied its clothes to a flagpole at the spire of the house where we were staying in hopes that the baby/dog (it was now a dog) would find its way home.

The last dream, on Wednesday night (last night), was super scary. I was in the main room of my church with a woman and her son (who are real). We were the only ones there and suddenly a burglary alarm sounded upstairs so we all ran up. We noticed that an important book (that doesn't actually exist) was missing. At this point I was already quite scared so I pulled out my phone and the woman was like, "We need to find the burglar before he goes too far" and then we saw his feet behind a curtain. Which was scary. So we pulled back the curtain and there was this man with the book in his left hand and a red button in the right and he was all "if you call the police, I'll blow this whole place up" and I looked at the little kid and heroically begged the scary burglar/terrorist to let the little kid go and blow the rest of us up (also hoping that the kid would call the police). I tried to sneakily text the police, which didn't work. Then I woke up and I couldn't move because I was really scared and I thought to myself (I'm not even kidding) "WHY ISN'T MY PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM WORKING?!" and then got scared because my cat was on my bed breathing like a human and I thought I was gonna die.

And then I went back to sleep.

So yeah. Eventful nights recently....If anyone knows why this has been happening and/or what my dreams mean, I'd love to know. Brains are so weird. Like, I don't even know where it comes up with this stuff.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Awkward conversations are awkward.

Obviously, you wish there was something to talk about... SO WHY DON'T YOU START A CONVERSATION!!!!! Ugh, sorry, little mini Carrie rant there. I hate it when people do that. If you really think the conversation has turned that dull, why don't you start up a new topic? Are you really that friggin' bored that you can't say "so how's your day been?" but instead have to say "ummm....". Like, really? REALLY?! No, you don't deserve a response now.

Gr. Annoying. 

ANYWAYS! Back to happy Carrie. :) 

This weekend has been a lucky one for us Curly Fries because it is a 3 day weekend! :D Weee! I love holidays. ^_^ It seems like every holiday this year is just perfectly placed. Which is simply splendid. 

Aaaaaaand I don't know what to talk about. 

Oh! Yes, I do. Carrie and Eggr (remember him?) are no more. Yes, my dear readers, it is true, after over 10 months, it is no longer. :/ Oh well, things happen. 

*Sudden subject change* 

ISAWTHEHUNGERGAMESONFRIDAYANDITWASSOOOOOOAMAZING!!!!!!! Oh my goodness, it was sooooooo gooooodddd!!!!! I loved it!!! I can't wait to read the next booookkk!! 

Also, I'm getting a new cameraaa!!! :D It hasn't come yet which makes me a little sad :( But hopefully it will soon. 

Dear fellow Curly Fries, 
I, Carrie, am beginning to feel detached from all of you. This needs to change. I miss you all so dearly. Reunion soon? Please? 


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Friday, April 6, 2012

/pokes the blog

It looks like recently we've been getting more active again, which is lovely. c:

Anyway, today was a nice day; we had a day off of school and Momo and Virgil came over to do the source of all great unhappiness in the world, i.e. the 40 Questions of APUSH Class. We got through ten, ate dumplings and pineapple, and then went on a walk with Lynda and her siblings to the elementary-school playground. The seesaw there is pretty good, though not a legit seesaw (it has springs :|a) and thus not perfect.

Later, Virgil and I wrote some more of our pottergatsbyfic, which now has a witty and metaphorically resonant title: Borne Back Ceaselessly Into the Past. I also made us an account tentatively titled shupicorns. We've finished the first two chapters and might post it soon. Harry & Co. travel back in time to fight deatheater!Tom Buchanan and destroy Voldemort's eighth Horcrux, which is actually Gatsby's fabled green light. The metaphors all fit so perfectly; what's not to love?

(Oh and speaking of writing, Lynda and I started a writing journal as well, though as of yet there's not very much on it. I might post pottergatsbyfic up there too; who knows.)

I like Alex Day's music. Not so sure about "Lady Godiva," though. :|

Well, that's about it for today. I will go back to procrastinating on the Internet.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Today was possibly the bestest day of school of the year. Our wind ensemble played today at two of the five elementary schools in our town. It was SO fun! 
One of the elementary schools was the one House and I (and xiy and Lynda but they weren't there) attended. It was possibly the cutest thing ever.
Not only did we get to see our old teachers and school (WHICH SHRUNK SIGNIFICANTLY) but the kids were so. cute. 
They got super into the music what with their dancing and clapping and singing and cheering.
Our band instructor would introduce different instruments and the kids were all so amazed. They would scream, "IT'S SO BIG/LITTLE/SHINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Also, before we played, we got to hang out with some first graders.
When we walked in, they started, like, jumping up and down and one was like, "they're so pretty!" and another was like, "THEY'RE SO BIG" and another was like, "I'm nervous!!!"
Gosh. It just makes me wish we could have stayed that age forever. It was just so perfect and lovely and awesome.


I want to go cry in a corner about how old we are.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

hey remember when I used to have a theme song for my posts?

It went like -

Na na na na, na na na na, Virgil's world! Na na na na, na na na na, Virgil's world! Virgil loves Holy Week, and social work! That's Virgil's woorrrrrllldddd!!!!

Good times.

Anyway, the other day I was talking to my dear friend xiy about how Holy Week is such a wonderful thing in the Christian tradition. It's because the week itself has a story, and after like EVERY DAY there's a new cliffhanger. This Thursday night everyone around the world (except for those Eastern Orthodox peeps who do it all a week later) is going to be like "OH NO WHAT ARE THEY GONNA DO TO HIM" and there's so much suspense and then after the Friday climax everyone's sobbing like "OH NO JESUS IS DEAD WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN" and then on Saturday is like this full day of suspense where nothing actually happens (it's a bit like the camping part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) and then BAM Sunday is the big finish! (I won't give away the ending - it's way too good). Spoiler alert!

So that's a thing.

In my English class this week (which xiy and EZ are also in) we're doing this stupid career unit where we have to pick a career and do research on it and then find three colleges that we like which would be good for training in that career and research them. And of course I really want to be a novelist, but the page for "writer" on the website thing basically didn't give any information and was like "are you kidding? you're not going to make any money in writing. pick a different career and write on the side." So whatever. I was going to do editing because that's closest but then xiy was doing that and I have this thing about not ordering the same thing as the person next to me in restaurants and this also applies to careers and the person sitting next to me in the computer lab. So yeah, I researched social work. It sounds thrilling.

Ummm what else? I took the Medusa Mythology Exam today. I had sort of studied but I had forgotten that it had a specific theme that was like "monstrous monsters and malicious mortals" or something along those lines, so I had ended up studying mostly the wrong things. I knew about half of the questions, but who knows, maybe the bar for doing well is set really low and I'll win something. (Most likely not.)

Ummmm I'm reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo right now and it's fantastic. I'm also reading a book about philosophy that my dad lent to me called The Trial of Socrates by this dude named Stone and it talks about like the different angles Socrates' students took on his teachings and how you can define virtue and whether it can be taught and other things along that vein and it's very interesting but I must admit that Dragon Tattoo is quite a bit more thrilling and this is a pretty long sentence. 

My math teacher let me use her computer to go on facebook today in the middle of class. Rock on, Snydog.

In Science Olympiad, House is basically in charge now and it was really cool to see her behind the desk looking all in-charge and stuff. Also she bought me Irish socks. They are cool.

Does this super-long post make up for all the weeks I've missed? Probably not. And probably no one will read/comment on this, and that's okay. I just kind of want to keep this thing going, you know?


Sunday, April 1, 2012

sup bro

Hi, guys.

Today happens to be a very sad day.
Do you know why?
Because today is the last day for us to be on spring break D:

I always find it useful to review what one has done over a given amount of time to determine how well the time has been spent. So let's go over spring break:

  1. Did not go to school
    1. Did not interact on day-to-day basis with the exact same children who are wearing generally similar clothing and walking around the same paths to the same rooms
    2. Did not have to wake up before 8:00 am each day to go to school
    3. Did not have to look presentable each day for the chillunz at school
    4. Was not graded each day on various tasks on a 0 to 100 scale
      1. which was really super lovely
      2. actually though
  2. Went to Ireland
    1. Saw many sheep
      1. Highlight of the experience (jk [but it was still cool])
      2. Also cows
      3. And a few horses
      4. And quite a few dogs
        1. But only four cats
          1. I counted.
    2. Spent evenings in pubs
    3. Heard quite a bit of music
      1. Listened to a man play the uilleann pipes [click meeeee and learn!] that were much prettier and more complex than the ones on the Wikipedia page
      2. More like this [this one is just a picture don't panic] kinda thing
    4. Drove each day to various Irish towns and saw various Irish things at each one
      1. Everything there is green.
    5. Listened to many people speak with Irish accents
      1. Also a highlight of the experience
  3. Did not see friends
    1. That was sad.
    2. :(
  4. Did see sheep
    1. That was nice.
      1. ~new friends~
  5. Lazed around and was a bum
    1. Slept
      1. Slept a lot
        1. Except in Ireland. Not a ton of sleep there.
          1. But now there is much of the sleeping.
            1. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep
    2. Ate
      1. meh
    3. Did homework when I could
      1. meh
      2. Our APUSH classes just got this big-butt assignment called 40 Questions
        1. They're pretty much hell in school assignment format
        2. Actually
        3. It's pretty suckish.
    4. Worried about the AP tests
      1. meh


I would say spring break has been pretty good.
Minus the 40 Questions. But plus the sheep. But minus the no friends... but I guess that's made neutral because as if I had friends to start with <3 ~*~~lol no friends~~*~ <3

How was your guys' break?

With all due respect,