Thursday, April 19, 2012


I apologize on behalf of all curly fries (except for Carrie who is the only one who can do more than one thing at a time) for not posting dutifully. We are all (Carrie included--she just can do more than one thing at once) very busy children. What with FINALS and APEXAMS and OHMYGOSHWHYISN'TITSUMMERYET there is scarcely time for breathing, much less posting (except for Carrie because she can handle more than one thing at a time).
The subject of today's post is MY DREAMS.
Recently I've been having weird (and super vivid) dreams and I DON'T KNOW WHY!!! D:

The first of the weird dreams was on Monday night in which my dream featured much cat petting and also skiing. I went skiing at a resort where I have visited once before in another dream but that doesn't actually exist. The slope is super icy and narrow and steep and so after going down the hill once, my dad, sister, her friend and I went to a rich man's big house for hot chocolate. I sat under the stairs and petted his two cats--Mini Jaguar (who looked like a mini jaguar) and White Cat (who was a white cat). Then all of a sudden I was petting, like, seven black cats but they all had different faces and it was slightly scary.

The next dream, on Tuesday night, featured my cousin and a baby/dog (there was both a red-haired baby and a red furred dog that I somehow understood to be one in the same). As the dream goes, my cousin found the baby/dog (in its baby form) but then it eventually ran away. Logically, we wanted it to return so we tied its clothes to a flagpole at the spire of the house where we were staying in hopes that the baby/dog (it was now a dog) would find its way home.

The last dream, on Wednesday night (last night), was super scary. I was in the main room of my church with a woman and her son (who are real). We were the only ones there and suddenly a burglary alarm sounded upstairs so we all ran up. We noticed that an important book (that doesn't actually exist) was missing. At this point I was already quite scared so I pulled out my phone and the woman was like, "We need to find the burglar before he goes too far" and then we saw his feet behind a curtain. Which was scary. So we pulled back the curtain and there was this man with the book in his left hand and a red button in the right and he was all "if you call the police, I'll blow this whole place up" and I looked at the little kid and heroically begged the scary burglar/terrorist to let the little kid go and blow the rest of us up (also hoping that the kid would call the police). I tried to sneakily text the police, which didn't work. Then I woke up and I couldn't move because I was really scared and I thought to myself (I'm not even kidding) "WHY ISN'T MY PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM WORKING?!" and then got scared because my cat was on my bed breathing like a human and I thought I was gonna die.

And then I went back to sleep.

So yeah. Eventful nights recently....If anyone knows why this has been happening and/or what my dreams mean, I'd love to know. Brains are so weird. Like, I don't even know where it comes up with this stuff.


1 comment:

  1. How did I just see this??!?! Hahahahahha :3 This made me giggle :) -Carrie
