Tuesday, April 3, 2012

hey remember when I used to have a theme song for my posts?

It went like -

Na na na na, na na na na, Virgil's world! Na na na na, na na na na, Virgil's world! Virgil loves Holy Week, and social work! That's Virgil's woorrrrrllldddd!!!!

Good times.

Anyway, the other day I was talking to my dear friend xiy about how Holy Week is such a wonderful thing in the Christian tradition. It's because the week itself has a story, and after like EVERY DAY there's a new cliffhanger. This Thursday night everyone around the world (except for those Eastern Orthodox peeps who do it all a week later) is going to be like "OH NO WHAT ARE THEY GONNA DO TO HIM" and there's so much suspense and then after the Friday climax everyone's sobbing like "OH NO JESUS IS DEAD WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN" and then on Saturday is like this full day of suspense where nothing actually happens (it's a bit like the camping part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) and then BAM Sunday is the big finish! (I won't give away the ending - it's way too good). Spoiler alert!

So that's a thing.

In my English class this week (which xiy and EZ are also in) we're doing this stupid career unit where we have to pick a career and do research on it and then find three colleges that we like which would be good for training in that career and research them. And of course I really want to be a novelist, but the page for "writer" on the website thing basically didn't give any information and was like "are you kidding? you're not going to make any money in writing. pick a different career and write on the side." So whatever. I was going to do editing because that's closest but then xiy was doing that and I have this thing about not ordering the same thing as the person next to me in restaurants and this also applies to careers and the person sitting next to me in the computer lab. So yeah, I researched social work. It sounds thrilling.

Ummm what else? I took the Medusa Mythology Exam today. I had sort of studied but I had forgotten that it had a specific theme that was like "monstrous monsters and malicious mortals" or something along those lines, so I had ended up studying mostly the wrong things. I knew about half of the questions, but who knows, maybe the bar for doing well is set really low and I'll win something. (Most likely not.)

Ummmm I'm reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo right now and it's fantastic. I'm also reading a book about philosophy that my dad lent to me called The Trial of Socrates by this dude named Stone and it talks about like the different angles Socrates' students took on his teachings and how you can define virtue and whether it can be taught and other things along that vein and it's very interesting but I must admit that Dragon Tattoo is quite a bit more thrilling and this is a pretty long sentence. 

My math teacher let me use her computer to go on facebook today in the middle of class. Rock on, Snydog.

In Science Olympiad, House is basically in charge now and it was really cool to see her behind the desk looking all in-charge and stuff. Also she bought me Irish socks. They are cool.

Does this super-long post make up for all the weeks I've missed? Probably not. And probably no one will read/comment on this, and that's okay. I just kind of want to keep this thing going, you know?


1 comment:


    I'm sorry I stole your career. ;A;
