Friday, April 6, 2012

/pokes the blog

It looks like recently we've been getting more active again, which is lovely. c:

Anyway, today was a nice day; we had a day off of school and Momo and Virgil came over to do the source of all great unhappiness in the world, i.e. the 40 Questions of APUSH Class. We got through ten, ate dumplings and pineapple, and then went on a walk with Lynda and her siblings to the elementary-school playground. The seesaw there is pretty good, though not a legit seesaw (it has springs :|a) and thus not perfect.

Later, Virgil and I wrote some more of our pottergatsbyfic, which now has a witty and metaphorically resonant title: Borne Back Ceaselessly Into the Past. I also made us an account tentatively titled shupicorns. We've finished the first two chapters and might post it soon. Harry & Co. travel back in time to fight deatheater!Tom Buchanan and destroy Voldemort's eighth Horcrux, which is actually Gatsby's fabled green light. The metaphors all fit so perfectly; what's not to love?

(Oh and speaking of writing, Lynda and I started a writing journal as well, though as of yet there's not very much on it. I might post pottergatsbyfic up there too; who knows.)

I like Alex Day's music. Not so sure about "Lady Godiva," though. :|

Well, that's about it for today. I will go back to procrastinating on the Internet.

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