Sunday, August 7, 2011

{{soccer soccer soccer}}

Soccer soccer soccer

Soccer try-outs are tomorrow.
... omg, soccer try-outs are tomorrow.

As of now, our coach is planning on making a JV team, a varsity team, and a bubble team that will practice with varsity and play in the JV games. (He's rather persistent about keeping his starting eleven playing for most of the game, so those bubble team players wouldn't be getting much playing time in a varsity game.)

Since I'm really not sure at all which team I'll be making {though I'm preparing for JV}, I have three victory songs lined up for when the results are posted tomorrow night at 6:30 pm, an hour after our evening session of try-outs. A victory song for making JV (since I'll be looking forward to leading a great team), a more-victory song for making varsity (since then I'll get to play alongside some really great players and coaches), and a super-victory song if I'm on the bubble team. I see the bubble team as ideal for my situation, since practicing with players better than I am is the best way for me to improve, and game time is always important for experience.

Technically, I think the coaches all have a pretty good idea as to who is going to be on which team. Tomorrow is really for seeing which girls are going to show up that we haven't seen for the past two months... well, and seeing how far we're willing to be pushed >.<

Anyway, enough soccer talk.

Marching band camp is starting soon! I'm actually kind of excited for this football season to start. Running the same drills in the sun over and over isn't very fun, but it will be nice to be back in the big (BIG) band setting with my band friends again ^.^

School's starting soon, too.
Ughhhh, having deadlines to meet once more will be fun... but at least we won't be freshmen! :)

*sighs* I should go to bed, considering the first session of try-outs start at nine am.
Hope you all are enjoying the last bits of summer!

With all due respect,


  1. Whereas in fencing, there is no need for tryouts at all. :P (at least not on our fencing team. . .)

    Good luck with your tryout! You'll do beautifully, I'm sure. :D

  2. ^true dat.

    Also, you wrote something about this so-called "football season" when, I think, you really meant to say "marching band season".
