Sunday, July 10, 2011

omg this is the end.


I'm back home! Yay :) Though I do miss the coast a ton already... but being back here is nice.

And my cousin got married yesterday! Yayyy for the happy couple. I had a lot of fun with the family and food [omg baclava]  and all. But I guess I'm really unfamiliar with wedding customs...? Before a couple months ago, I didn't know that there was a matron of honor. I mean, that makes sense, but I'd never really heard of it. And ushers leading women down the isle to be seated? What? >.< Maybe I should get out of the house more...

*segue* lol xiy taught me spelling!

And I will be getting out of the house for sure tomorrow, bright and early (nince o'clock a.m.) for the kicking off of soccer training! Yayayayay soccer! I'll be sweating off half my body weight on the same field for the next short ever.
I really hope I survive this training session >.<

So... yeah. I guess I should warn you guys that for the next while, my posts will be mostly about soccer and training and things ^.^"

Oooh, also, HP7 is coming out ridiculously soon.
Like, Virgil's-about-to-burst-into-tears soon.
Like, the entire fandom world is about to blow up July 15th.
Holy cow.
Okay. I shouldn't think about it too much. Or else I might get all emotional.

*sighs* I should go run before it gets too dark.

With all due respect,


  1. Come watch HPDH with me and Virgil. :D

    (Look, Virgil! Four days!!)

    Haha, House has to exercise. (And also, you know more about weddings than I do; don't feel bad.)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i don't think anyone was led down an isle, hon, unless this was a very unusual wedding. an aisle, on the other hand :)

  4. ^Lol.

    House, you so funny. :P
