Saturday, July 2, 2011

Oh, hai dere.

So, uh, it's Saturday.

I wasn't quite sure when else I would be able to post today, since I guess I'm gonna be out all day, so I decided to post right now! :D

Um, I guess my aunt is gonna pick me up later so I can go hang with at her house with my cousins? It should be fun. They have a pool and puppies. :) and if it's still today when I get back, I'll definitely update this post with what I actually did. ^_^

Btw, ummmm... Carrie has decided to take the initiative and write her own blog! :D
(yeah, no idea how this is gonna turn out whatsoever... but we shall soon find out!)

sooo... HP DH PT.2. 12 days, eh? who's excited?

k. bye.

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

Addition: Okay, so I saw Super 8. and just a heads-up: Carrie. strongly dislikes. Science fiction movies. She dislikes the trailers even more. It was a good movie nonetheless, it just scared the crap outta me!!!!!!! D:
Extra addition: THE HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HOLLOWS PART 2 TRAILER IS AMAZING!!!!!  I legit almost fell out of my chair. At the trailer. Just imagine the movie.... oh, my cheez-its.
Extra Extra addition: New blog is up and running. :) Go check it out. woot. woot.


  1. Have fun with your family! :D

    Ooh, blog! We can has URL, plz?

  2. "Who's excited?"

    uh, MEEEE!!!!!!!!
