Sunday, July 31, 2011

Keep Calm and FIND THE QUILL


Today is July 31st, which is a day to be celebrated across the world! First of all, it's my boyfriend's birthday (happy birthday!). Second of all, it's J. K. Rowling's birthday (!!!). Third of all, it's Harry Potter's birthday (zomg). AND today was the first of seven days on which clues [that can lead no-lifer nerds users to access Pottermore early] are released! Zomg so many exciting things!!!

I spent the past week waking up obscenely early, slaving away from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, which means this week I'll be waking up obscenely early,  slaving away from 9:00 am to 11:00 am, which means this is the week before tryouts! Ahhh! (My personal favorite portion of tryout day is when we're told to run laps around the field infinitely until the coach tells us to stop. As we're dying running, the coach will blow a whistle periodically, signaling to us to start [and then stop] sprinting.)

So, yeah. Besides soccer and muddling through summer homework and Tumblr, I haven't been up to much. Just sorta melting away in the heat. (I got a very pretty watch today, which I'm quite happy about. It's shiny; I think Lynda would definitely approve. [It also didn't cost very much, which she would also defo approve of ^.^])

*sighs* and now it is my bedtime. Have a good week, guys.

With all due respect,

1 comment:

  1. I really don't see the appeal of Pottermore besides the fact that it's just another thing for super!HP-nerds to add to their arsenal of fannish stuff.

    (And is 18,000 words all the extra background info JKR is going to release? I was expecting 50,000+ words at least.)
