Monday, August 1, 2011

Oi, you! You're a GIT, you know?

Ah...git. The UK people sure have nice insult that aren't too demeaning and vulgar to hurl at a person in public.

Today, dear readers, I woke up at 7:30 AM.
NOT willingly.
I woke up and stretched, and yawned, and smiled at the rising sun.
But not really, because it was cloudy.
Then I said, "Oh, it's so nice to sleep early, and wake early! It's refreshing."
Ha. LIES. The normal human ritual is to sleep late, and then wake up when hungry.
Then...we went to my dad's lab in a U-HAUL.
That was really cool.
The funny thing about U-HAULs, is that the one I was in had those awesome things where you twist the handle to operate the windows...
I spent like, half the ride going: "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" while playing with it.

Anyways, morning stuff over, I got to the lab, and started diligently reading my APUSH textbook.

Which, by the way, I've got 5 chapters left. Apparently last week's prediction of being done with it hasn't quite worked out...

Speaking of history, as I was finishing up WWII, I got to the part of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Horrible. The book just mentions that, "Oh, a couple thousand died on impact, and then a few more thousand dies from the radiation burns a couple days later." Not that I'm complaining (less reading for me!), but really,the bombs inflicted lasting effects that scientists aren't even sure about today, and the number of people that ended up with leukemia increased, and so many other things that could have been influenced by the's just really sad that the book doesn't even touch those topics.

And then later on, America goes and tests an H-bomb? *sigh* Humans can be so self-destructive...Though some people tried to create an international atomic weaponry council, but the US and the USSR both were wary because of the whole Cold War that was going on...*sigh*

All this is interesting, but the textbook is confusing when it goes on about politics, because it jumps from major events back to the little political brawlings that influence different things, and the timeline is completely screwed up, and oh-my-goodness how many times can a man run for president, lose, and then spring back onto the campaign scene??? You'd think they'd give up already.

Speaking of giving up. I've nearly given in to wearing a sign that says: "MADE IN CHINA". Or maybe "YES, I'M CHINESE. I'M ALSO ASIAN." Stupid idiots.

Ah. The little miniature rant felt good. Even if it was only a couple sentences long. I'm having problems with my ranting because it's summer, and I just found a couple of good fanfics, and I'm almost done with my textbooks, and it's summer, and we're going to the beach for a whole blessed week....and I'm in a surprisingly good mood....

Good grief, I'm in a good mood. huh. nice.

So, I've been running on Saturdays (3-ish miles) with my crew team, and there's been 4 people, including me at the practices...2 of them being the team captains. Oh, how lazy people are.

On the other hand, I'm incredibly lazy too. I'm still annoyed that daddy dearest decided that since my siblings no longer have camp or daycare, we'd get up earlier and get to the lab earlier...EARLY AS IN, 7:30 AM. RAWWWWWWWR.

well. That was a totally pointless post. Hey, why don't we end it with a song?

It's Deathly Hallows, gotta destroy a horcrux,
everybody's looking forward to the movie, part two! *goofy looking smile with two fingers held up (imagine a peace sign, for those of you who are bad at numbers)*
Deathly Hallows, gotta destroy a horcrux,
everybody's looking forward to the movie.

Dobby's dead, Dobby's dead, NO!
Dobby's dead, Dobby's dead, HOW?!

Cry, cry, cry, cry.
Looking forward to the movie.

The movie which I've already watched! EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Virgil's HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART TWO MOVIE REVIEW PART THREE will be up tomorrow! (I think, unless she can't post cuz she's in Scotland having FUN.)


P.S. I just read House's post...and OMIGOODNESS....



  1. Why does everyone want to find the quill so badly?! Pottermore is dumb. I still don't get it. At all.

  2. ^Yes, Momo, THANK YOU. I don't see the appeal of it either (and, Lynda, you can't find the quill today; registration's closed).

    Also, I think the reason they glossed over the atomic bombs' long-lasting effects (not that I'm saying they were necessarily right in doing so) was because this is an American history textbook, and while it was entirely America's fault, they can't devote an entire chapter to Japan because then they'd have to do it for everything else as well (just think, an entire chapter devoted to English monarchs pre-1600 or the Glorious Revolution or King John signing the Magna Carta just because we need the backstory). It wouldn't be practical.

    Not that I'd mind a chapter on English monarchs, not if they made it interesting. . .

  3. I just want to find the quill because I want to see what a) the quill looks like, and b) the interiors of Pottermore (like, the registration area). Plus it'll make me feel like I achieved something...

    @xiy. Yeah...I know, I just wanted to point out that there are other dramatic things that relate to the bombs. And because I felt scholarly when I wrote/thought of/read that...
