Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It all ends here.

I can't describe this feeling right now.

It's like... this is something that I've been anticipating for ages, but now it's finally here. You know how there are some things that seem so indefinitely far into the future that it's like they're not even real?

"Someday I'll go to college."
"Someday I'll be a published author."
"Someday I'll have children."

It was always that sort of thing for me. "Someday, there will be no more new Harry Potter movies. The last one will come out, and we'll all have to make the decision whether or not we should move on with our lives." I knew this to be a fact, but I never actually accepted that it was true in the real-life sort of sense.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 will be released to the public within a matter of hours. (At the moment, 56 hours.) It's not "someday." It's the day after tomorrow. And... I just don't know what to say. 

One half of me is really excited to see this film. It's going to be an epic movie, and I have confidence that it will do justice to the book, although of course nothing can truly match the book's impact on my imagination and emotions. I look forward to seeing these scenes - scenes that previously existed only on paper and in the minds of millions - come to life on a screen.

But the other half of me wants to curl up in a corner and cry, just refuse to see it altogether, because it's the last one and seeing it would be like an irreversible milestone that I just can't hurdle. Of course, there are rereads and there are re-viewings, but there's nothing like reading a Harry Potter book for the first time or seeing a Harry Potter movie for the first time at a midnight premiere.

I kind of hope that they decide to remake the movies in 50 years with a different set of actors. I wonder what that would be like. 

The soundtrack to Part 2 came out yesterday, and I've already listened to it twice. I'll post a full review of the soundtrack along with my review of the movie (which may or may not appear next Tuesday... I'll be out of town, so it's possible that it'll have to wait another week) but let me just say that I was not disappointed. Nothing beats John Williams, but Desplat did a solid good job, and I think it's a lot better than the score for Part One, which was just okay.

So I suppose I could freak out in all-caps right now, and that would seem appropriate, but I feel like the time for that has passed. This is a solemn ending to the series that changed my life. Although the franchise lives on, this really feels like the end. Four years ago, in July 07, we could at least say "well at least we have the rest of the movies to look forward to." Now what do we have? The promise of Pottermore? Visits to the Wizarding World? More fanfiction? Periodic fan conventions that will continue for decades to come? It's just not the same. 

I must go work on my re-read of Deathly Hallows. I've read it maybe 6 or 7 times, but I want to be able to accurately point out every single difference between the book and the movie. It's my job. 

Mischief managed,

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Virgil. This won't be the end, not really. (I think I'm going to have to address this issue in my post on Friday. I have some things to say about it.)
