Friday, July 22, 2011

aggggh I nearly forgot to post

So how's life? Lovely, I hope.

(Today's post is going to be rather short and rambly, because I didn't plan it in the least.) 

I volunteered today in the children's garden of the Curly Fries' botanical garden as per usual, and it was pretty fun. I got to spend most of the time indoors in the blessed AC dumping soil into flowerpots (apparently it's for tomorrow's "fairy workshop," which I think involves small children [mostly girls] dressed in fairy-like costumes and planting cute little plants in the pots I worked so hard to fill up), and although that was a rather messy task, it was indoors, which basically makes up for everything. Today wasn't as hot as yesterday, but the sun was still rather terrible. It did rain, though, so at the moment it's quite cool (and humid) out. :)

Um. And then I started on a Phantom-Tollbooth-inspired bit of art that I haven't started coloring yet, though I will sometime soon.

Speaking of art, THIS is my entry for the Splashlife/HP Alliance Imagine Better art contest (it has my real-life first name it it, gasp). I guess voting on it opens tomorrow (?), and so if you want me to win lots of money (why would you? :|a), please go vote or like it or something. I dunno.

Okay, that's all for today.



  1. 1. You plan posts? What a good blogger.

    2. I bet there will be tons of boys coming to plant their fairy plants. In fact, I can almost guarantee a certain Michael Cowett will be there.

    3. Vote? I'm going to find a way to vote a million times for you and then you'll win and you'll win lots of moneys and Lynda will curl up into a ball and cry of jealousy.

  2. I never plan posts. Haha.


    I LOVE your drawing, darling, but I'm having trouble with the thing letting me vote. I'll try again later. <3

  3. THat's mean, Momo. MEAN.
