Thursday, July 21, 2011

Nothing Really...

Only 3 more days until I come home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm a little sad to be leaving [especially since I'll miss the last week of school (a.k.a. field trips)] and probably won't see my friends here again, but I'm also excited to come home.

When I get back, Virgil is leaving for Scotland (which stinks for me) and we're going to have breakfast together. Does anyone else want to come? It'll be early, so I think we can assume House won't come. :P

I also bought all of y'all presents, so we have to gather at some point so I can give thems to you. 

How's the whether over there? It's still rainy and cold here. Blech.

Guess what we did in school today? In first period we did these number puzzles that are sort of like soduku (sudoko? soduku? sudidhfivbu ofhbuig) and are really fun. Then we had some 11th graders talk to us about trash (which was definitely not as exciting) and I ended up making a mosaic with my dried up white out. Then we had two periods of art and I arted a pretty picture. Then we had the option of watching people crash cars or watching Harry Potter. I chose Harry Potter. And then we went home.

I wish school was always like that. 

I am going to go read now!! BYE.

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OMG! Also, there is this boy in my class, Tobi, and he was humming songs from AVPM and I was like "OHMYGOSHILOVEYOUDOYOUWANTTOMARRYME?!?!?!" and he was like "?" and then we were talking about how awesome AVPM is and I asked him if he'd seen AVPS and he hadn't and I told him that he just had to watch it and now he will. I changed a life.


  1. It's ninety degrees here and I had to work in a greenhouse for three hours in the blazing sunlight and just kill me now okay thanks. (Actually, please don't.)

    You changed a life with Starkid Potter! How lovely! ♥

    Were we not going to do some sort of meet-up after you and Virgil have breakfast? Or something? I dunno.

  2. Yes, I heard about that. My mother told me to tell y'all that she would kindly appreciate it if you could reply on facebook (if you haven't already) and if someone could ask Lynda.


    I'm liking this new font. It makes me happy.
    I can't wait to see you!!! I miss you!! In the van ride home from the mission trip, my friend and I were going through all pictures on my phone and we found one of you (Momo) with Kapu the squirrel, lol.

    And yayyyy you changed a life!! :D
