Friday, May 6, 2011

It's so weird to tag this post as 'Friday.' :|

This post is, strangely, being written at a later date than most of my Tuesday posts were, despite the fact that I obviously have more time to write and therefore should be churning out these things more quickly. However, today, I do actually have a good excuse--I was finishing the colouring on my mommy dearest's Mother's Day present.

Would you like to see?

Of course you do.

(I should warn you now that it's not actually very mother-y themed, but I tried and failed badly to draw my mother realistically, so I drew something that I hope she'll appreciate. Even though it has nothing to do with motherhood. ^^;)

Ohgoshihopeshelikesittellmewhatyouthinkyouguysahhhhhh. >.<
Huh. It seems that Blogspot has changed some of its controls. The tag box is now on the left instead of the right and then there's the location thing that Momo said located us somewhere in Kansas. Strange.

Have you guys had a nice Friday? This week was (lame) senior prank week at our school, but for all intents and purposes it was nearly a normal week. (It rained today, somewhat ruining the seniors' camp-out-on-the-lawn-day. I was not sympathetic.)

Aaaand. Uh. Oh yeah--House and I are definitely going on to 9HD Part the Second, which means we have to get an actual trifold, resize all the pictures, cut down on the neon construction paper, and actually make the thing look presentable. The amount of work involved doesn't bear thinking about. ;A;

So, yeah. Tell me what you think of that drawing and stuff. I hope your week wasn't too awful.



  1. It's so cute! I still think you should've had the little guy presenting flowers to mommy...but eh, this is adorable anyways.

    I still have to work on my bracelet + heart curtain...No time, grrrr >.< PLUS we have practice tomorrow

  2. The drawing is amazing!! :D

    It reminds me of Harold and the Purple Crayon.
    Have you read Harold and the Purple Crayon, xiy?



  3. +1 to Harold and the Purple Crayon, but it also reminds me of Pon and Zi (webcomic characters who are likewise adorable).

    Good luck with 9HD!

  4. " I hope your week wasn't too awful.
    Hahahaha. The drawing is fantastic, btw :)

    (^Also, I <3 Pon and Zi)
