Saturday, May 7, 2011

Huh, House even told me earlier not to forget to post...

AND I DIDN'T! Aren't you guys so proud of me? ^_^ :3 I forget everything! It's sooo bad. D:

(No, stupid Blogger, stop changing the font color back to black.)

Eh, today was alright. A couple friends came over to work on our German horror film. It's so legit, and my apartment building is super sketchy, so it helped A LOT! 

Blahhhh, I'm being lazy and don't really feeling like typing. 
I'm sorry. 

Happy almost Mothers' Day. Be nice to your mommies tomorrow, alright? :) They were nice enough to keep you in their stomachs for 9 freaking months; that is a long time! ♥ 

Yeah. k. bye. 


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 

P.S. - Am I not the nice, caring one anymore? :/ Did I become mean? :( I'm sorry... I didn't mean to. You guys have got to let me know of these things! :P (And I don't have a life, just saying) 


  1. oh. haha, oops, it was me who changed that ^.^" when I was making slight adjustments to it (and trying to make it shorter... which didn't work), it struck me that you really do have wayyyy more a life than us. we can change it back if you want :)

  2. What's the topic of your horror film? (Besides, obviously, being creepy.)

  3. I love my mommy :D

    And of course you're still kind and caring. I can't picture you being mean.


  4. I agree with Virgil. You are most certainly not mean.
