Sunday, May 15, 2011

I really really really want to bite my nails, but I shouldn'ttttt DX

"Where do I go/If not disappear/Oh, where do I go from here?"
—Relient K*

Hi hi, everyone.

So, this week should be interesting... the Latin Club is having this annual banquet thing this Wednesday, which is gonna be like super exciting :)
*Everything looks so much more legit in italics.
Tomorrow is this dedication of our Chinese class to the Confucius Institute. It's this big assembly thing that Virgil, Momo, xiy, Lynda, and I {Chinese Club lol} are gonna be a tiny part of. As a reminder, we're lip-syncing to ourselves singing {'singing'} to the hit pop sensation of the last few years, 北京欢迎你 [Beijing Welcomes You]。It should be fun. We get to wear matching shirts :D :D :D
I wish my fishie was purple and covered in Alaskan fur. 
And something that doesn't directly pertain to our age group but is still shiny:
The old kids went to their prom this weekend!!!!! (Including Momo's older sister ^.^) Hooray for pretty dresses and corsages and the end of school. And the end of school like so totally pertains to us. Because it's really soon. Yayayayayay.
 "Inertia is a property of matter." 
Um, yeah.
The only other thing of note is I'm trying to stop biting my nails. (Agh the temptation.)
My teddy bear is named Chuckles and playing softball with pineapple is his favourite.
A'ight. Time for me to start homework now and go eat dinner.
Hope Lynda gives you guys a more legit post tomorrow. Sorry for my short one...
With all due respect,
lol fun with italics is fun.


  1. I still think it's absolutely hilarious that we're lip-syncing to ourselves.

  2. 1) RELIENT K!!!!! ^_^
    2) What xiy said.
    3) eeeee good luck with the nails. I've been working on that this year too.
    4) You should remind people of the annual spring picnic, and then I can go to that even though I can't go to banquet. 0:)

  3. Oh crap I still have to memorize the words... *dies*

  4. Yay! Relient K! I love their song, "Mood Rings"

    haha...nails...maybe you'll be able to peel oranges in the future
