Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Magnolias: I Love Them.

It was supposed to thunderstorm most terribly today, but it's 5:23 PM right now and the weather has yet to deliver that promised precipitation. In fact, it's actually rather sunny (sun of the watery-yellow, struggling-to-get-out-of-the-clouds sort) and very warm.

Despite the fact that a loud, dark, broody thunderstorm would be extremely fun to watch in a dry, cozy house such as I am in right now (along with hot drinks and various desserts), I think I prefer this sun. It is almost May, after all. Silly rain needs to stop and let the flowers take over.

Speaking of flowers (<-lol another segue*), there is a magnolia tree in my backyard that is really really really really pretty this time of year. It has these beautiful pinky-white flowers and it's right by a little pond and the entire scene is very picturesque. Nearly all the flowers have opened by now, and when the wind blows--like it is doing today--all the long pink petals shake in a most elegant and dignified manner, and it's just so beautiful. (The flowers even smell all right, though it's not my favorite smell.)

Thus, I decided to spend at least a small portion of this lovely thunderstorm-less afternoon drawing some magnolias, because they're very pretty and I need practice drawing plant life anyway. So I come today bearing three (3) drawings. They're not the greatest, because xiy + plant matter + pencil/pen/crayon/Sharpie/coloured pencil/other drawing utensil + inspiration to draw = TERRIBLE THINGS.

(Stupid HTML has at this point decided to add a strikethrough to everything I type. Please wait while I go shout at fix it.)

(Okay, better. Well, obviously. Since not that entire above sentence turned out struck through. Yeah. I just thought I'd point that out. Not that you needed it. I don't think.

. . . Nevermind.)


Here come the drawings:

This I coloured with crayons (and a few coloured pencils) before I realised that I have Gimp, which has colours much more suited to the subject matter than a pack of 64 Crayola crayons can ever provide. So then I felt very stupid.

Whee~. This one and the next done in Gimp and slightly Picnik'd.

This one is my favourite, I think.

And now here are some pictures of the real thing, so that you can all laugh at how badly I draw flowers.:

It was actually pretty sunny at the time I took these pictures, but they all look like they were taken on a cloudy day. B|


This is my last Tuesday post, s-sob. But I trust in Virgil to make Tuesdays even more awesome, and I am quite excited at the prospect of posting on Fridays.

(Also, I get to post the one-year anniversary banner soon. OMG.)

So I hope I ended on a good note (I expressly left out a rant about math class today so that my last Tuesday post wouldn't be angsty; I hope you're proud of my self-restraint, guys**).

See you next-next Friday! :D


*Yes, House, it's spelled s-e-g-u-e. Just in case you were still confused. 8|a
**Well. I actually plan on ranting a bit in my LJ, but that's not the point, is it.


  1. Ahh, I love magnolias! I have one in my front yard, but the petals always get frightened and run away at the first sign of a storm, so the pretty flowers never last long. *sob*

    I'll never do Tuesdays as awesomely as you do, xiy, but I'll give it my best shot :)


  2. Dear xiy,
    You need to win an award for drawing (especially magnolias). My neighbors were over when I was reading this and they asked me if they were professionally done. What now?
    -Momo and Neighbors

  3. Oooh pretty :D they also smell really good. like, I know that kenzo makes a really pretty magnolia-scented perfume.

    Ahhh! You'll be on Friday. Take good care of her for me ^.^
