Monday, February 14, 2011


Disclaimer: This post is not actually written by Momo. It is part of a theme week "Parody Week". I do not own these stereotypical traits of our beloved Momo. Please don't sue me.

Yay! A new theme week! I love theme weeks!

Today, it was quite nice out, not as cold as it was before. Yay! That means that I can go out and be hyper! Like a frog! Back when I was a chillun', I was a superb frog impersonator, still am.

Today was early dismissal for our school, so I didn't go swordfighting!!! Swordfighting=fun!

Speaking of fun, Play-Doh is fun too! I love making Play-Dohs! [Here, I, the real me, not Momo, would like to say that I do not have any accessible Play-Doh. So the following pictures are not mine or Momo's, they are from GOOGLE! :)]

Haha, the zebra has white stripes on black! Wait, is that the real way?

 And since it's Valentine's Day-
 That's my lovely post! :) 

[This whole parody thing was harder than I thought! I had to do research on Momo's interests! jkz]


  1. Hehe. Momo's a frog.


  2. I always thought that zebras' stripes were black on white; however, I'm probably wrong.

  3. i thought they were white on black because their noses are black?

  4. No, they're definitely white with black. What? I'm a frog? *is confused*. I think House wrote this. Just sayings.

  5. Oh! And you tagged a secret message but you didn't put it in!!! tsk tsk.

  6. Erm, yes I did. That's what the whole zebra thing was about.

  7. Oh, whoops, I didn't see that. AHA! You've just semi-revealed yourself!!! Because Lynda, xiy, Virgil and I were all at sports until now. That means that you must be Carrie or House. And I know that Carrie was at conferences for Global studies with me but House was in the library (she could have written this now). Haha! IN YO FACE!!!!

  8. Oh, also, it takes Carrie a while to get home and you sort of emphasized GOOGLE so I still think that it's House.

  9. @real momo: it's possible to schedule posts to appear at whatever time you want them to, be it before or after the actual posting date.

