Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I do not *like* green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-am.

Okay, so for some reason I began thinking about Yertle the Turtle in global studies today. Probably because we did previously watch it last semester. *Reminiscence* Good times, good times... 

Did you know that the way to skin pears, and other fruits and vegetables, is to place them in scalding water for a couple seconds? Apparently, the skin comes right off... 

Uhh... I'm multi-tasking right now. ^_^ It's fun. Hooray for having 5 tabs open at once. And the best part is that it is all for my entertainment because *someone* finished all of her homework before the hour of 5 o'clock. Yes, that is correct... I got home before 4, ate some cookies (YUM), and then began on homework. And then I took a well-needed 2 hour nap *sigh*, and read a chapter and a half in my book. Today's been a great day. ^_^

Did you also know that green eyes are the rarest eye color and blue eyes are a genetic mutation? It's nice to know that I'm technically considered a mutant freak. :) (Since I have green-blue eyes.)  

German lesson of the day!: If you were to say to me:  Wie findest du Geschichte? I would answer with: Ich finde Geschichte sehr langweilig. (True story, as Momo would most likely agree with me... unless she thinks otherwise.) 

Anyway, I think that's about it... uh, yeah. Bye? 

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,


  1. Ah, Yertle the Turtle. What a delightfully deluded maniac he was. (I alliterated!)

    I'm glad to hear that your day went well. :D

  2. Nein, eigentlich finde ich Geschichte nicht so schlimm...:D

  3. But in young adult fiction, green eyes are the most common eye color in main characters. It's true. It's 'cause green eyes say "I'm an angsty hero with a dark past but my pretty green eyes are like emeralds so you should LOVE ME." (

    *high-fives for being mutant freaks!*

  4. @xiy: Teehee, although I did enjoy being able to watch DR. SEUSS! in GS :)

    @Momo: awwh, Momo. Really? :/ well, it must be because you're an optimist.(Not saying I'm not...) Oh well, she is an alright teacher, I'll give her that, I just don't really like the class...

    @Virgil: *high-five* We're so cool ^_^
