Saturday, February 19, 2011

I Didn't Forget a Title

Can you believe that theme week is already over? This week has gone by quite fast and now it's Saturday again and my day to post. Today's post comes to in approximately 158 parts. Why are we wasting time? Let's get started!
Cue the theme music: la la la la, la la la la, Virgils's world!!! Virgil loves Harry Potter and Herman too!! That's Virgil's worlld!
Part 1: Harry Potter
OMG I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! Only 146 days until HP7 Part 2!!!!! Aaaaagh!!!!! The pain is unbearable!!!! I don't think I can last 146 days until it comes out. Thankfully I will be able to read all books through every day until then. In addition, my family has found a Harry Potter themed insane asylum for us insane fans. It is not only all Harry Potter all the time, but I'll have access to the magical world of Harry Potter in Florida 24/7/365. Aren't you guys pumped?!

Part 2: Latin
Latin Convention is this Friday!! House, Momo, and I will all be attending this magical event starting this Friday. I probably will not be able to post (House?) but I think you all will be able to survive. I am sooooo pumped!!!!! I've only made 52 projects, but I will be done the last twelve by Thursday. I love Latin so much. In fact, I love it so much that I will post Lorem ipsum for you all to decipher (and because this parodier does not have enough knowledge in Latin to say anything else).
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc molestie, sapien in accumsan placerat, nulla ligula molestie odio, non porttitor ligula massa nec libero. Mauris scelerisque, erat quis facilisis porta, dui ligula ultricies est, elementum porttitor dolor mauris eu eros. Duis sollicitudin metus quis libero malesuada elementum. Curabitur sed risus turpis. Nam tempus nulla sed nibh dignissim venenatis. In sed tristique diam. Nullam pretium fermentum lectus. Cras bibendum molestie leo, vel bibendum nunc adipiscing a. Quisque tempor, lorem laoreet pellentesque tempor, tellus orci egestas metus, vel cursus enim mi vel mi. Praesent ac diam leo. Curabitur pulvinar fringilla venenatis.
Part 3: Miscellaneous Things
I was recently accepted to this music group that is really legit and intense. I am so excited!! Music is one of my favorite hobbies. It's one of my best talents, including science, math, writing, tennis, Latin, history, and basically anything else that you can think of. I also really enjoy Fanfiction (ZOMG! I LOVE FANFICTION!), being at church, my boyfriend, The Poof that is no longer <3, and YouTube videos. In fact, I've been watching YouTube for the past 4 and a half hours and got distracted from my post. Oops!

Apparently, the other parts of my post were deleted, but now it's late so I won't rewrite the masterpieces that you all know I have created. Enjoy the next six hours of your day!


  1. LOL. I've been waiting forevers for dis. Is this Lynda? It's kind of tough. Hrm.

  2. The Poof That Is No Longer. xD

    I'm torn between Lynda and Momo (or maybe House?) for this one. Those guesses are probably all wrong.

  3. Oh darnit, I accidentally commented with my name. Ah, well. I feel silly now.

  4. P.S. you used a different shade of red than I usually use, just btw
