Friday, February 11, 2011

Bingo for the Less Attentive Chem Students

(Egypt, man. Eeeeeeeeegypt. [Haha, our Global Studies teacher was flipping out today. It's all pretty cool, right? Right.])

Progress has  been made today at our school.
Momo, Lynda, and I are all in the same Chemistry class. Momo and Lynda today have devised a way to get us through another entire semester of Chemistry with our, er, endearing teacher.* For this I am very thankful ^_^

As with most all teachers, she has her little phrases that she says often. (Including [but certainly not limited to!]: "EVERYBODY SITDOWN," "signifigant fig-urs," "GOOGLE!/JUST GOOGLE IT! :D" and "vaaal-yoom [i.e. 'volume'].") And we have, being the more nerdy type of student that doesn't have to hang on quite every single word to get a nice 98% on the test, begun to see the amount we are actively and legitimately listening in class has, er, declined.

But never fear, for we have compiled a nice list of our teacher's most often used phrases (our names are on the list, too) and have constructed a few different Bingo boards to keep up nice and attentive during the almost-hour. We play by usual Bingo rules. We're allowed to suggest to her topics of conversation (e.g. Momo: "What's that search engine you like so much... it, like, starts with a G and sounds like-" Endearing Teacher: "GOOGLE! Just Google it, man! You know." Momo: *victory!*),[jsyk, I actually asked, "what's your favorite website?"] but we can't explicitly ask her to say a certain word/phrase(/do a particular action, should we add common actions later on). This defo makes us pay attention at least a little more,  yay. And because we have our names on each of our own respective boards, this
little game encourages us to raise our hand a bit more often. And maybe to even (gasp) ask questions.**

So yeah. Cool beans.

In other news, giant crazy mega Latin Convention is in two weeks.
Zomg. Be ready for me, Momo, and Virgil to be mentally-mentally-mentally-crazy-holyyyy-snap-DUDE-CONVENTION wired up like heck.

With all due respect,

P.S. Momo is my favorite. <3

Also, this coming week, us six will be having a fun little switcharoo of posting, which I've tagged as "parody week." More information to come on Sunday-ish. Or tomorrow, depending on if Virgil fills y'all in or not.

P.S. Ooooh and because I won't technically be posting as myself this week, happy Valentine's Day! [I love pink :) ] <3 <3 <3

*I actually went in after school today for legitimate help with legitimate questions. She's not that bad one-on-one without a huge classroom of annoying as heck little chilluns attacking each other in it.

**{These might range from "What's that search engine you like so much" all the way to "I don't remember how to pronounce ____"... or even stretching all the way to actual questions. Maybe.}


  1. (Take two.)

    Convention! Zomg.

    Also, Momo (sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!) told me to. :)

  2. P. S. I totally published this at 11:11. I win. Vinco.

    And Michael? You forgot the thirty exclamation points after "Zomg." but that's forgivable.

  3. Michael - Momo told you to do what?

    House - Remind me, at convention, to tell you about my friend's English class version of this game. Also
    "And we have ... began to see the amount we are actively and legitimately listening in class has, er, declined."
    You have /begun/. ^_^

  4. I NEVER TOLD MC TO DO SUCH A THING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    @thaichicken: I'll fix it for ya! I'll edit it in a different color so people know that it was your editation. <3 Can't wait to see y'all at convention!

  5. ^Lookit all that Latin talk up there ahhhhhhh. <3

  6. H is for holy goodness it's earlyFebruary 13, 2011 at 8:39 AM

    @chicken haha, thank you. now we are even? :P
