Saturday, January 29, 2011

Virgil's new favorite animal & the use of Latin in daily life


La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! Virgil loves her dragons, and Latin too! That's Virgil's worrrlldd!!!!
Okay, I have three things to cover in today's post. Here's Thing 1 and Thing 2:

Just kidding. That's not what I'm talking about today. But look - aren't they adorable?

Okay, here's the second (third?) thing I'd like to discuss.

This is not just any dinosaur, my friends. This is a reconstructed skeleton of the dracorex hogwartsia, my new favorite animal. 

According to Wikipedia (and of course, everything on Wikipedia is 100% true):
Dracorex is a dinosaur genus of the family Pachycephalosauridae , from the Late Cretaceous of North America. The type (and only) species is Dracorex hogwartsia, meaning "dragon king of Hogwarts."
Get the reference? You're a winner.

It's just the most epic thing I've ever seen. 

OK so earlier today I was at a bat mitzvah, and we were talking about teachers' tenures.
Someone said, "I don't get what 'tenure' means. Why is it called tenure? What does it come from, Greek?"
Me: "It probably comes from the Latin teneo, to hold."
Person: "That can't be right. Why's the 'u' in there, then?"
Me: "Maybe it's derived from the third principal part, tenui."
Person: "Oh. I guess that makes sense."

LATIN WIN!! We're going to beast at the Certamen invitational tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Well done with the teneo bit. That made me smile :)
