Friday, January 28, 2011


(We're sitting in our school's computer lab right now. It's Chem. And I'm bored 'cause Lynda, Momo, and I finished today's lesson already. I'm typing on one of those Dell keyboards that's black and bounces and makes nice little clicky sounds. I must admit, that's probably the one thing I like better about Windows than Macs. But moving on.)

Our swim team bleached their hair last night. (One of them being Virgil's boyfriendddd.) It's always fun to walk into first period and see a head of (once black hair) corn-ish-y-yellow-blonde? hair atop a proud swimmer's head.

Today is Friday!!! Thank goodness.
If I was super awesome and cared enough to go through with something like it, I would totally invent a religion/philosiphy/whatever of Fridayism. Because I definitely belive in Fridays.
Friday is the best day of the week 'cause it's the end of a terribly long school week and work week and doing icky, horrible things that take effort. It leads to the weekend, which is lovely and filled with sleep. (Unless you're in Saudi Arabia or Iran. Sorry, guys.) And Friday the Thirteenth can be fun 'cause everyone freaks out.

Also, the period's about to end, so imma go and I'll be back when I get home from school and then I'll finish this. Kay? Kay.
Alright, I'm home. (And I've remembered how to use commas...)

So. Yeah. Besides me being deathly, pitifully sick with a sore throat, things this week have been pretty good. I'm getting back into the journaling sort of thing every day, and I've slowly also been picking up on editing.

Ohmygoodnessgracious. I know what's also new.
In Global Studies (History) class, we got to meet our pre-student teacher (or whatever) person. And he's super cute. Like, he's even, like, actually a football player. It's pretty exciting, since Global Studies is already one of my favourite classes. [Teehee.]
He seems pretty nice, too. *crosses fingers* Hopefully, he'll also be good at teaching. Trifecta much? I think so.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend :D

With all due respect,

P.S. Next week will be a crash-course in basic-basic PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE etiquette. Lynda, xiy, and I sat through a... painful lunch period that reminded me I had been wanting to do something like this.


  1. /blink.

    I'm not sure whether you're being sarcastic or not in that last paragraph.

  2. ughhh I knew you were going to go against me on that :P

  3. What's PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE etiquette? He sat in our class too...some girls were saying that he was manly /and/ had dimples. How lovely...

  4. I have one of those Dell keyboards that's black and clicky :) I love it.
