Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Hahaha. I'm kind of hyper, sorry.
Do you ever get that? Where you're like, tired, but you're still kinda hyper? Yeeeaahhh... That's how I feel right now. And I'm hungry, which unfortunately only makes it worse. >.<

Hehe! Guess what? Carrie's got a boo. ^_^ To the curly fries this is old-ish news... but to everyone else *cough* reding this, this must be kind of exciting. Well, not really. Sorry.

Uuuuhhhhh.... Well then. Ugh. I want food. And this computer is failing. and is kinda slow for a not-so-old laptop. (HP btw) And I have homeworrrkkkkk. Ew. It's not a lot today. Just English and global studies. No big deal, I finished Geometry at school. I really just don't want to do it. But I have to. Ew.

Oh!!!! Guess what's in 5 days (and in 2 days!). Halloween! It's kind of not a big deal, but it's still exciting. I *want* to go trick-or-treating but I'll probably stay home with a bag of gummy bears and do homework. All while possibly wearing a costume. (Heh, probably not.) Um! In 2 days it is the 6LCF 6-monthiversary. Yay! *Cheers* Hip-hip-hoorah! I personally find this exciting. Six months is a pretty long time. Maybe we'll make it to a year... and a half! Now that'd be something worth celebrating. ^_^

Anyhoo, I must be off to the wonderful world of... oh, forget it. I'm going to do homework, then eat, then go to bed. Yay. Now that sounds like my kind of night. Sort of.


Smiles, hugs, and lots of love,

P.S.- The last marching band/ football game is on Saturday! :( Which also means that concert season is about to begin! :) You know what they say: As one door closes, another opens.

Yay for optimism! :D


  1. Yeah, I'm probably just going to stay home and eat candy on Halloween too. All the while waiting nervously/enthusiastically for NaNoWriMo. It'll be fun. ^.^

  2. NO! WE ALL NEED TO GO TRICK-OR-TREATING!!! It'll be fun! And it will distract us from NaNo. And well get candy (last year every 1,000 words I had a piece).

  3. I'll go trick-or-treating with you guys if you want to but I... uh... don't really have a costume...

  4. I don't have a costume either, but let's go trick-or-treatin! For Almond Joys!

  5. YAY! You guys can all wear your P-Js and say that you're people at a slumber party. Or you could do scary face paint and wear P-Js and be zombie slumber-partiers.

  6. ZOMBIE SLUMBER-PARTIERS okay okay we have a plan now.
