Friday, October 22, 2010

The Scary Things That Hide in My Closet

Right, so.

You know how I went on and on last week about scary movies?  Well, it appears to be that the world hates me, since I've seen only twenty million and four trailers for Paranormal Activity 2.  And I'm still freaked the crap out.  (I'd usually take this space to put that last sentence into more colourful language, but the other Curly Fries already yell at me for my lack of censorship.)  And now I have a lovely lamp in my room right nice and lovely next to my bed, so I don't have to get in or out of bed to turn it off or on, making me completely-almost(-okay-not-really) invincible to any evil things that might, like, idk... bite my piccolo-playing arm off.
Or something.
I'd probably suggest for you to do the same thing, since these parts are notoriously famous for their monster-thing attacks.  Like, duh.*

And—zomg—another week has passed by, and I still don't know what I'm being for Halloween.

In other news: 
Our marching band will not be marching tonight; it's a pep band game, which means that we get to sit in the stands (not in icky, sweaty uniform, yayyy) and play when there are time-outs.  And stuff.

There were a ton of subs for teachers today at school.  (We watched a fun video about Newton [as in Sir Isaac] being an alchemist and Bobby Hooke being a butt about it.  Super educational.)  I guess even teachers think "Screw it, I'm skipping class," every once in a while, too.  Remarkable.
The only other thing that was that eventful today in school was this super cute kid that came and shadowed someone in my English class.  Thank you, Grilled Cheesus.**

I think that's about it.
So, yeah. Bye.

With all due respect,
Houose I just spelled my name wrong wow.

Post scriptum: Y'all are in for a real treat on Monday ;D

*Except for not really, I think... er, I hope...

**Oh, yeah.  I also started watching Glee this week. [*bandwagon*]  So maybe now I'll have maybe sorta kinda a clue as to what the frick Momo and Lee are talking about when they go off on their one hundred mile-per-hour "OMGWEREYOUWATCHINGLASTNIGHT?!?!?!?!" monologues.


  1. Technically, House, they are not monologuing (?) (fine, then soliloquizing) if they're talking to each other.

    I hate horror movies as well. Ick.
    It wasn't even a terrible attractive specimen of the male species whom you were waxing poetic about. I really don't see the appeal.
    [Yup, that's xiy. Cold and soulless.]

  2. You only thought he was "hawt" because he spoke with a British /accent/...jeez...
    He looked like a frickin' 10 year old!
    And yes, I saw him. He was in my gym gym classs.there are some cute guys in there...

  3. Eew! I hate gym class boys! They are all like hungry velociraptors who want to beat me with their floor-hockey sticks. And if someone has an accent, their "hawtness" rating definitely goes up.


  4. @xiy: No, you don't understand. They /were/ monologues ^_^ (Momo would be going like, "ZOMGKURTANDQUINNANDCANYOUBELIEVEWHATTHEYSANGICOULDNTREALLYZOMGGLEE!!!!!" at the same time Lee was going like "ICOULDNTBELIEVEITTHEYARESODIFFERENTNOWWHATDIDTHEYDOANDTHEPLOTOMGITSAMAZINGGLEE!!!!!!" at the exact. same. time.)

    @Lynda: *Rolls eyes* He does not look like a ten year-old.


  5. @House: Well, they were directing their talking at each other, so it's not *technically* a monologue.

  6. @xiy: No no no no no it was getting to the point where it really wasn't. Kind of like when Lynda goes off, but nobody ever really is even like in the same universe anymore. You know ^_^
