Monday, October 18, 2010

A Letter From Princess Momo

Dear Curly Fries,
*gah!!!  pressing "Tab" doesn't work on Blospot!!* We need to talk.
  1. WE NEED TO START THE BOOK CLUB (well, not this month...or November...and maybe not December because of the holidays...) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE OR I WILL DIEEE! jk
  2. I still think we need to have a theme week sometime soon (maybe this week?) so ideas in the comments, please. Some of my ideas:
    • Baby pictures/themes/ stuff from our youth
    • Short stories (for Virgil)
    • Oooh! That made me think of one xiy would like: comic strips!
    • Poems (I think Carrie would like this one, correct?)
    • Rants (for Lynda)
    • Posts about grammar in honor of House
  3.  We need to get on top of our game. Now, I know Poofy is probably reading this, so if you are Poofy, GO AWAY! If you are not Poofy go down to near the end of the post.


Anyway, as I was saying: Poofy's blog. As far as I can understand, we're still at war with Poofy's land; therefore I find it necessary that we commit warlike deeds against it. Namely in the comments region. xiy and I have already started the bothering, and seems as if Poofy has given up on his nation and is no longer engaging in this battle. Basically, we won. And after only 8 of his posts. It's a shame that he  surrendered. Well, at least we can annex his land now (unless, of course he hasn't surrendered and is merely on hiatus). So, if  Poofy doesn't post this week, we won the battle! If he does post, please join us in the bothering so we can officially claim victory! I guess that means that he'll have read this part, WHICH I TOLD HIM NOT TO DO, and he'll probably fight against us. Do not worry,  comrades, we can be strong. There are six of us and only one of him.
       4. Build-a-Bear Flashlight Tag Weekend Extraordinaire, anybody? So, I think we have come to the general consensus via Facebook that we will be having Flashlight Tag on Friday, October 29th. What if we also did Build-a-Bear, like before we play tag with the lights? Please say what you think in the comments.

UPDATE: Dictator xiy told me that we can't comment in the comments about grammar and suchness as I was planning, so I guess we need a new idea so we can get this war going. And I didn't mean that in a malicious way. Just a fun blog war type thing.

I think this is the longest post I've had in a very long time. 
Yours Truly, <--That's a restaurant in Ohio (I accidentally Googled it)
Secret Message: uuh. Hi. Finish this sentence: My favorite sport to watch is_________.


  1. My favorite sport to watch would probably be swimming, because a) I actually understand what's going on, and b) I get to feel warm and fuzzy and smug inside that I don't have to swim anymore. ^.^

    Momo, that's not a very nice thing to do, telling people to bother others on the Internet. Because that's harassment, y'know.
    I do agree about the war, though. Just don't do it by maliciously spamming poor Poofy's comments section, okay?

    I would prefer the comic strip or short story theme week, personally.

  2. It's not spamming! Fine. Change of plan, y'all. We will not comment on his posts, but do something else.

  3. I like watching basketball. Tennis is okay, but it reminds me of the torture of school tennis season...

    P.S. I feel very torn about this whole war thing. Can't we just be friends? ^_^

  4. I'm still posting comments. I am allowed to spam maliciously. I am Lynda, hear my spam!

    My favorite sport to watch is soccer, especially if it's like, in the summer, and you can see the players sweating like crazy. At this time, I enjoy drinking icy cokes...I then laugh at the tv, and the players' sweating faces. I then feel deliciously sadistic. I get this warm feeling, this toe curling happiness when I do laugh at 'em. It's better when it's in real life...*happy sigh*

  5. ohmygosh. I was just thinking about baby/youth curly fry pictures for a theme week like, today. ^_^ And yes, I do enjoy the thoughts of poems. That makes me very happy.
