Saturday, October 16, 2010

I try not to think about nanowrimo, because when I accidentally do, I tend to have a panic attack.

Uh... I'm going to write this as fast as possible because I have a ton of work to get done.

NaNoWriMo... yeah. The title of this post kind of says it all. Thought process:
Me: "What shall I write my blog post about today?"
Urania (my muse): "Write about NaNoWriMo!!!"
Me: *has a panic attack*

<cue theme music>
La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! Virgil loves her goldfish, and beaches too! That's Virgil's world!! </theme music>

Saying "goldfish" was relevant because 1) that's the original lyric from Elmo's theme song, and 2) I'm eating goldfish right now. Actually, that's a lie. I just finished my goldfish.
I'm cool like Momo and I put secret messages in my posts. OHHH
Today, I helped pick up trash on a beach. xiy was there. It was fun. I really like beaches - I like the sound of the water. It's very calming. It wasn't an extremely legit beach (I'm not going to tell you which body of water it's on... muahahaha) but there was a lot of trash and gross stuff that we picked up. Without gloves. *shivers* We neglected to pick up anything that might contain bodily fluids, so I'm 95% sure that I don't have AIDS. Also, the weather was very nice for beach-cleaning-up.
House still hasn't sent me back my fanfiction. :P
I have to go get stuff done. 


...I want to go back to Hogwarts.


  1. I wanted to gooo! :( One of my sister's friends has a picture of a barbecue restaurant in NYC and called Virgil's BBQ. I'll see if I can get the pic.
