Friday, August 5, 2011

here's a flying sheep; enjoy

Hello! I know I haven't posted much art here recently [insert shameless plug for my tumblr here], but today I am; this is part of a bigger thing I'm working on (which might or might not get finished sometime next week, depending on my relative level of late-summer laziness). I thought I'd share this bit with you guys, since I'm not sure how long it's going to take me and I'm not really sure what to talk about today.

This time next week, I'll be in a hotel somewhere in Maryland, halfway to North Carolina, where my family and Lynda's family have planned to go to on a rather late vacation. I'm quite excited. :D

And then after the vacation is school and APUSH and AP Bio and math (no gym, thankfully, but instead there's a stupid online health course that costs $126), which is considerably less exciting. Oh well. Fencing might be fun to go to again after a four-month break. . .

It's weird to think that we're going to be sophomores this year. :|a

I think that's it for today.

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