Monday, June 6, 2011


Today was the last day* of school!
Today was also the day of the math final >.< That was bad. It was also history final, but that's so easy, we'll just skip it, eh?

The math final started off with true and false which was okay, and then to formulas, and then to geometry questions. Last part was algebra. It took me 2 hours, and 40 minutes to do the whole final. Anyways, I was fine 'til the geometry part. That part was like mud. I slogged through it, and then I saw the algebra, and I was like, "LAND HO!!!" After that, I checked it over, but guess who's luck is horrible??? ME!
I'm checking through it, and then my phone rings. I usually have it on silent, but it's RINGING! So I go and jab at the phone through my backpack (cuz pulling it out would mean acknowledging that it's my phone ringing...) until it stops. Then, seconds later, it rings again. It does this, like, 10 times before it FINALLY stops. Oh my gosh, I was so worried that a proctor would come over and take my test and rip it into tiny shreds while screaming, "CHEATER!" ahh...nightmares we get sometimes...

So I don't have much to write about besides that I HAVE NOTHING TO DO! Like, there's no homework! That's just so cool! I HAVE NO HOMEWORK!!!!! 

Ooh, I forgot, I'm volunteering at our Botanical Garden, and I'm working in the Garden Store part of it. It kinda makes me feel awkward, cuz I like, think plants are pretty (the ones with the flowers), but have no idea what is what...and now I have the most un-plant-related job at the Botanical Garden, ever. Seriously though, it just kinda makes me feel bad. And then Virgil mentioned today that she felt that volunteering at a check-in station is not exactly giving back to the community...and I'm working at a check-out Hmm. Well, someone has to work there, and it might as well be me! :)

I changed the cursor to know, for the upcoming sunny days of SUMMER BREAK!!!!!!!!!!

Yup. That means I'll finally get around to writing that Siri-poo fanfiction of mine, and then re-writing my whole NaNoWriMo in time for the June 30th expiration date on my free proof copy...after I catch up on my sleep.


*except House, cuz she still has Chinese Finals tomorrow *points and laughs*


  1. Siri-poo! Hooray!

    I felt exactly the same about that final. Exactly. The. Same. (pfft geometry >.<") But at least it's over now. :D

  2. I'm sorry if what I said made you feel like you're not giving back to the community :( you ARE giving back, it's just that it's not really like helping people in need. But that's fine! :D

    There were a few geometry problems that I actually had NO IDEA how to go about doing... pfft. I almost died, but I'm alive now. Yay!
