Saturday, June 4, 2011

Heat exhaustion is no fun...


So as some of you may know, where the curly fries live, it hit 93 degrees today. ninety. three. degrees. Cheese-its. that is waaaaaayyyy too hot. Especially for Carrie who has a very very very very very low tolerance to heat. My fingers start getting swollen, I get all dizzy, my stomach is achy. Luckily, I was at my (new - that story later) boyfriend's (let's call him eggr) house. And because of the fact that he is one of the sweetest things on this whole planet, he let me lay on his bed in front of his fan so I didn't die. :) He's so nice to me.  Oh yeah, by the way, Eggr and I totally watched Monty Python today. It made me think of the 6LCFs. :) ♥

Oh my gosh, Carrie has a new boyfriend!?!?!?!? no way! Yes, my dear reader, the rumors you are hearing are indeed true. I do in fact have a new boyfriend. ;D We shall call him eggr. The funny part about that is that me and my other non-6LCF friend refer to him as eggr sometimes. :P He is sooo sweet and funny. And all of the 6LCFs (I think) approve of him. My own mother approves of him! This makes me very happy. :) which is always a good thing. Happy Carrie is something you want to see. :) 

In the world of school we are currently living the dream known as "The last days of our Freshman year" but unfortunately that also means that we are in a nightmare known as "Finals". But on the upside, we only have one more day (but two more finals) until.... *drumroll please*...........S U M M E R ! ♥ ♫"I'm so excited that I just can't hide it..."♪ Wanna know how I'm celebrating the first day of summer break? ... PANIC! AT THE DISCO CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Sorry, I'm reaaaaaaaaally excited. ^_^ Like, really really excited. :D 
Anyway, these past few days have just been faaaaantastic! 

okay. BYE! 

Smiles, hugs, and lots of love, 


  1. Happy Carrie! ♥

    I'm not terribly familiar with New Boyfriend besides the fact that I know he was in my kindergarten class (this is xiy, remember? she has no social life), so I can't provide any opinion for or against him. But as long as you're happy, it's all good. ^.^

    Heat is terrible, but I suppose a few hot days are better than nonstop rain.

  2. @xiy: ♥ awheeee wittle xiy and eggrs. ^.^ sorry, that just sounds so cute! :) and you totally do have a social life:)

    eh, I'd rather have non-stop rain :P

  3. I like the rain! <3

    And I approve of New Boyfriend. I don't know him all that well, but he seems nice, and he seems to like you a lot.


  4. lol, i still think of eggrs as the boy who thought up ways to catapult guinea pigs out the window, and the boy who tried to sell his neighbor's house to my 4th grade teacher...
