Thursday, June 16, 2011

Momo Has No Known Fears bam

Good day, countrymen, women, and scarecrows!!!! 

I think some people *coughcoughVirgilandLynda/Kat* forgot that this week is a theme week. When House posted her post on Sunday about being afraid of bees, it was decided (either on Facebook or in the comments) that we would be having a theme week about our childhood fears.

You guys are so cute. You were afraid of things when you were little.

Well, let me tell you something. I do not know the meaning of fear nor have I ever experienced it.

I AM FREAKING PETER PAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Peter Pan isn't afraid of anything, right?]

Anywho. I guess that maybe when I was, like, 2 months old or something, I might have feared....*runs and asks parents*.

Nope. They just confirmed it. My father says in these exact words that I was afraid of "nothing in particular. I can't remember any."

Ha. And you all thought that I was just being silly.

I guess, when  you think about it, the closet going upstairs to my room is rather frightening. But only because I'm pretty sure a murderer lives in there.

It's a justifiable "fear".

Once it's summer, you realize how incredibly boring and uneventful your life is. I've been trying to do at least one productive thing each day. For example: hanging out with other humans, cleaning my room, staring at the unfinished APUSH homework and willing it to do itself, feeding squirrels* (who now enjoy the comfort of my very own lap), writing lists about things that I may do, etc., etc..
I just got a haircut. I have to go all Euro-retro so I fit in in Germanland. Well, actually, my hair was just getting long. Yeah.
I hope to hear about all of your childhood fears!
My sister also got her driver's license which means I now have 3 chauffeurs.

*This is a 10 second clip of my dearest squirrel and me. :D


  1. Oops.
    I saw Lynda's post and I thought that the idea had been scrapped. Mah b.
    I don't have any fears anyway. Except for spiders. And losing my memory.

    Have fun in Germanland!!!! :D <3

  2. I have something (hopefully) quite amusing planned for tomorrow. I'm sure you'll all think it's silly.

    Germanland sounds like it'll be loads of fun. :D And, anyway, your life is far more productive than mine.

  3. I think you need to email that to Magistra Troha. :)

  4. Michael... do you WANT to give Magistra a heart attack??
