Sunday, May 29, 2011


Hi hi.

zomg finals, you guys.
finals are coming up.
I was at the track the other day. I brought my Latin notecards with me (*Asian*), but I had initially gone with intent to run as training for soccer. But then I started to run and began to freak out ["I don't know any adverbs I HATE ADVERBS. SEE, THAT SENTENCE LOOKS FINE WITHOUT ADVERBS."], so I ended up walking around the track for a while in the blazing sun, reviewing vocab. {Holy cow, it was hot.} Haha, there were all these actual athletes there that were looking at me funny as I muttered to myself "Eo magis, all the more; tot so many, like in Napoleon Dynamite, SO MANY TOTS..."*
Everything in life relates back to that movie... 
So, today was my cousin's bridal shower. (Yayyy she's getting married :) ) And it was really nice and all. The bride&groom are super cute, and really happy :) And I got to see some family I really like that I don't often get to see 'cause of how far away they live! Yay!
But there are so many women. White women, that is.
Not just so many women. All the women. Like, all the women.
(Also, being the only non-white [unless you count spray-on tans] person in the room is always just the most memorable experience. Yayyyy...)

Also, I got my hair cut today. Iz lovely and shorter for the summer nao!

Aghgklfaj;kl I can't wait for it to be summer. Summer is the time for painted nails, pretty dresses, beaches, sleeping in, and watching movies in air conditioned theatres ^.^

Anyway, I should go to bed soon. Marching in the Memorial Day parade tomorrow earlyyy, then a barbecue. Yay for America.

With all due respect,
*Like, I just get that image in my head. The one of him and his attractive cargo pants stuffed full of tots. So. many. tots.


  1. What?! House went to bed before 2 am?!!!?!?!?! Someone better write this down.

  2. Haha, Momo =P

    Also, House: I LOVE THAT ASSOCIATION FOR TOT. Haha, it makes me laugh.
