Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's Saturday and si nihil aliud nisi de...

I've memorized the first five words of the Latin recitation for Convention. Yay!

I usually post earlier than this, but I kind of forgot that today was Saturday until I checked the blog and wondered why there wasn't a new post up yet. 
In other news, you should all know that Fuzzy (previously Poofy) posted on his blog for the first time in months, and you should all go read it. 

Hmm, what should I talk about today? While I think of something to write, I'll just play the theme song for ya'll.
La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! La la la la, la la la la, Virgil's world! Virgil loves Convention and projects too! That's Virgil's worrrllldd!!!

[You can go ahead and skip the really long paragraph below, if you want. It's just me ranting.]

Si nihil aliud nisi de...
So, uh, I guess I'll talk about Latin Convention. But because I do that, I want to point out that House, Momo, Lynda, and xiy were all at a Science Olympiad competition today and they beasted. I was not there because I am a butt, and Carrie was not there because she's too cool for that sort of thing. To explain myself further - I originally thought that I wouldn't be able to do Science Olympiad this year because of the crazy logistics involved and the fact that I wouldn't be able to make it to half of the competitions, but then the thing that was supposed to be today got canceled and I thought about contacting Shcience Guy to say that yeah, I could do one of the competitions, but then I realized that all of the events that I was good in last year are either no longer existent or they've changed, so I would have to start from scratch for getting prepared which would just suck. Also, he's probably assigned my would-be events to other people because I originally thought I wouldn't be able to do it, so if I rejoined it would probably be an unwanted intrusion. But I'm still really sad about not going because Science Olympiad competitions were always really fun. :'(
ANYWAYS Latin Convention is in less than three weeks, which is really exciting. I've only done one project so far, but I want to do one or two more. I'm still trying to come up with ideas.

I'm sorry this post couldn't be more entertaining. I'm sorry that I didn't go to Science Olympiad. I am very sad right now. :(


  1. "Carrie was not there because she's too cool for that sort of thing."
    it's funny cause it's true.

  2. Aw, poor sad Virgil. *pats on the head*

    I still like last year's Latin recitation. "WHY DID YOU KILL MY SECRETARY?!" is such a hilarious line.
